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It Hurts

Text and music: Maria Hickein

Me hice pequeño por ti, un pedacito de pan
I made myself small for you, a little piece of bread

Que se dejó consumir, que en ti se quiso fundir
That allowed Himself to be consumed,

that willingly melted Himself in you, 

Que en ti se quiso quedar
That wanted to remain in you...

No me supiste escuchar en Mi silencioso amor
You did not know how to listen to Me in My silent love,

Te aburrió Mi sencillez, te cansó Mi pequeñez, buscabas algo mayor
My meekness bored you, My littleness tired you,

you were looking for something bigger...

Y te alejaste del camino que tracé con tanto amor para los dos
And you walked away from the path 

that I traced with so much love for both of us,

Y te buscaste con quien tu tiempo perder y distraer tu corazón
And you found yourself with whom to waste your time and distract your heart.


Por eso Duele... cómo duele! Tu indiferencia y tu frialdad
That's why it hurts... how much it hurts! ​Your indifference and your coldness,

Y me duele... cómo me duele!
And it hurts... how much it hurts!

Cuando me ignoras y olvidas
When you ignore Me and forget Me

Yo que di por ti Mi vida... duele
I, that gave My life for you... it hurts

Qué pocos vienen a Mí, qué pocos van más allá

How very few come to Me, how very  few go beyond...

Quien me sabe descubrir, quien me puede percibir en el vino y en el pan?
Who knows how to discover Me, who is able to perceive Me in the wine and the bread?

Este martirio de Amor,  me encadena aún más a ti

This martyrdom of love chains Me even more to you,

Me desgarra el corazón en esta eterna pasión de Mi continuo morir...
My heart is torn in this eternal passion of My continuous dying

Pues no escuchaste Mis gemidos de dolor cuando te vi dejarme atrás
Because you didn't hear My groans of pain when I saw you leave Me behind,

Quedé sumido en total desolación,  no me quisiste consolar...
I was immersed in total desolation, you didn't want to console Me...

Por eso Duele... cómo duele! Tu indiferencia y tu frialdad
And it hurts... how much it hurts! Your indifference and your coldness,

Y me duele... cómo me duele!
And it hurts... how much it hurts!

Cuando me ignoras y olvidas
When you ignore Me and forget Me

Yo que di por ti Mi vida... duele
I, that gave my life for you... it hurts

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