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The Eucharist and the Mothers of the Cross

Fr. Jordi Rivero

Just as the Lord made His Mother Mary our mother at the Cross, Mothers of the Cross become mothers of priests by their victimhood of love united to Christ the Victim at Calvary. Our Simple Path to Union with God is at the same time the path of their vocation to be spiritual mothers for priests. No woman should dare embrace spiritual motherhood for priests unless in the context of a life united with Mary at the Cross. 

The Cross can only be a reality for us today if we are adorers of the living Eucharistic Christ. All Mothers of the Cross do their best to adore the Eucharist daily. For some it is not possible to do so being physically present. The Lord, seeing their desire to do so will be spiritually present to them. 

St. Peter Julian Eymard captures well the vocation of Mary at the Cross and the Eucharist. Think of how it applies to the Mothers of the Cross:

"Ever since Calvary, all men were her children. She loved them with a Mother’s tenderness and longed for their supreme good as for her own; therefore, she was consumed with the desire to make Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament known to all, to inflame all hearts with His love, to see them enchained to His loving service. To obtain this favor, Mary passed her time at the foot of the Most Adorable Sacrament, in prayer and penance. There she treated the world’s salvation. In her boundless zeal, she embraced the needs of the faithful everywhere, for all time to come, who would inherit the Holy Eucharist and be Its adorers... Her prayers converted countless souls, and as every conversion is the fruit of prayer, and since Mary’s prayer could meet no refusal, the Apostles had in this Mother of Mercy their most powerful helper. 'Blessed is he for whom Mary prays!'"

"Eucharistic adorers share Mary’s life and mission of prayer at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is the most beautiful of all missions, and it holds no perils. It is the most holy, for in it all the virtues are practiced. It is, moreover, the most necessary to the Church, which has even more need of prayerful souls than of powerful preachers; of men of penance rather than men of eloquence. Today more than ever have we need of men who, by their self-immolation, disarm the anger of God inflamed by the ever increasing crimes of nations. We must have souls who by their importunity re- open the treasures of grace which the indifference of the multitude has closed. We must have true adorers; that is to say, men of fervor and of sacrifice. When there are many such souls around their Divine Chief, God will be glorified, Jesus will be loved, and society will once more become Christian, conquered for Jesus Christ by the apostolate of Eucharistic prayer."

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