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To raise up a holy transformed priesthood. 

I am preparing My pure holy vessels by cleansing them with My precious Blood.  These living chalices will be filled with My precious Blood as I unite them to the Word of the Cross and they suffer with Me.  My Blood will be poured upon My Church to cleanse Her through them.  You have been given the particular mission of cleansing My priesthood.  10/7/10

It is my army of victim souls that I am preparing for these decisive times, for it is their hidden lives, as One with my Eucharistic Son, that are being given the power from heaven to defeat Satan and all his principalities and raise My Son’s cohort of holy priests to usher in my reign. You have been given a mission from the Father and you will give birth to the Missionaries of the Cross, through the hidden force of love of the Mothers of the Cross, to help raise this holy cohort. 6/16/11

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