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Missionaries of the Cross (MC)
Men of the Love Crucified Community
Identity and Vocation


One with the Man of Sorrows


Missionaries of the Cross are Catholic lay men and priests🔗 of all ages and walks of life who unite to Christ crucified to offer our lives with His as victims of love. As one with the Suffering Servant, we are willing to be stripped of everything— prestige, good name, honor, control… We must be willing to live despised and rejected in the eyes of the world. 

This vocation requires a purification by fire so difficult for men that very few are willing to undergo it. We strive to be like St. Paul, courageous men who live and profess with great boldness nothing but Jesus crucified.

He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. —–—Isaiah 53:3

The Bronze Wall


I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,” declares the Lord. —Jeremiah 15:20


The Missionaries of the Cross are called to be the “bronze wall” protecting the Church, the Bride of Christ, during these decisive times. We must be strong, firm, unwavering in faith, hope and love. The armor we possess is molded from being ONE with The Victim.


…You are My prophets for these decisive times, called to build the bronze wall of my Son's army of holy priests around the Bride, the Church… —3/28/11


…Satan will try to silence you, but you must persevere in humility, purity and love as ONE with Love crucified…Be humble and submit to God’s plan... Go, therefore, My humble ones and raise up My army of holy priests needed to protect My Bride during these decisive times... —3/29/11

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Called to Imitate:

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St. Joseph – humility, purity and silence

St. Joseph centered his life in prayer and silence. He meditated on the Word of God daily in humility, seeking no places of honor for himself. Hidden, he remained content. Through the humility and purity of his heart, he was able to see the purity and holiness of Mary… My power and strength were manifested in his docility and tenderness of heart. When men let go of their human tendency to control and rely completely on Me, they will begin to possess the true power of God. St. Joseph embraced Mary as the Mother of God and believed in humility… —3/19/11 Simple Path #22 p. 74 see full text>>

St. Paul -- courage and zeal

My Missionaries of the Cross are My apostles of light as St. Paul. They will preach My love crucified as one with St. Paul. St. Paul and St. John are their patron saints. They will become one with Love Crucified as St. Paul, therefore, their lives will be a living testimony of My crucified love and the power of the Cross… —3/18/11 see full text >>

Reflect St. Paul’s words to the Galatians 2:20:

St. Paul entered this passage (to the heart of Jesus), as he declares, “I have been crucified with Christ.” It is a victim soul's “yes” that “stirs into flame” the power of the Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit can lead a docile and willing soul to die with Me. It is this voluntary death that brings the soul to new life. That is why St. Paul can now say, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

I continue to thirst for love, but it is only the love of My victim souls that satisfies My thirst. It is only the love of My victim souls that has the power to appease the justice of God. Therefore, bring Me many victim souls. —2/1/11 Simple Path #124, p.331. see full text and more>>


St. John—intimacy of heart

They will love Me and all (souls) with the tenderness of the heart of St. John. They will possess zeal and love… The Heart of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is all power and tenderness. The hearts of all men must grow in the power of God and the tenderness of God. This healing will come about through the Holy Spirit and Mary Most Holy. Therefore, consecrate yourselves to the Holy Spirit daily through His spouse, Mary Most Holy. The prayers and sacrifices of love of the Mothers of the Cross will be My channel of healing grace for the transformation of My sons’ hearts. —3/18/11. see more>>

VOCATION: Living Out the Mission

Victims of Love

The Missionaries of the Cross are called to participate intimately with Jesus in His suffering for souls as one with the Bridegroom.


My apostles of light must be My martyrs of love… The Missionaries of the Cross must reveal to the world the Power of God revealed in the Word of the Cross (Cf., 1 Cor 1:18) by they, themselves, becoming one with the Word of the Cross. You must gather, like My apostles, around Mary… It is only here that you receive the power of the Holy Spirit. My daughter, bring many to the foot of the Cross as one with My Mother. —4/20/11

See more>>


Eucharistic Adoration
Missionaries of the Cross live our lives centered in the Eucharist through daily Mass, if possible, and contemplation of Jesus’ hidden Eucharistic life of suffering for souls and with souls.


Trust and place all your confidence in the power of the hidden life being revealed to you now in My Eucharistic presence. I am the power of the hidden life. I want to possess you with My hidden life, which is the Eucharist, transforming you into living hosts. This transformation will take place as you live your hidden and interior life united to My interior crucifixion, suffering all with Me and in Me. In this way, the power of the hidden force will intensify with the fire of the Holy Spirit. —6/15/11 Simple Path #51 p. 165


Missionaries of the Cross are prophets that prepare the way for the coming of the Lord by living repentance through the power of the Cross. We are willing to confront the darkness with love, tenderness and respect, because of love. The salvation and conversion of souls is the moving force in our hearts, therefore, we must be willing to be persecuted, condemned, misunderstood and cast out.


…I am commissioning you as my prophets to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. You must preach repentance as St. John the Baptist. But repentance through the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. You must bring to light the darkness of sin hidden in the hearts of My priests… —3/28/11. see full message>>


Warriors of Love

Missionaries of the Cross are chosen by God to be His "green berets." We are warriors that acquire the weapons of HUMILITY, PURITY, SIMPLICITY, TRUST and COURAGE to fight the principalities of darkness.


… My Missionaries of the Cross are my Son's Green Berets. The Green Berets will face head-on the darkness that consumes the priesthood. They will fight with the sword of the Spirit. They will be clothed and possessed by the power of God because they are one with the Word of the Cross… The main responsibility of the Missionaries of the Cross is to bring to light the devastating darkness Satan continues to keep concealed. Bring to light the sin of My ministers and call them to repentance at the feet of Jesus crucified. They all must unite to the Word of the Cross so that they can possess the power of God to lead my Church to safety during the storm that is approaching. —3/28/11  see more messages>>

Console the Suffering Hearts of Jesus and Mary by being PURE

Missionaries of the Cross are knights of our Blessed Mother committed to being pure and fighting through the power of the Cross every temptation to impurity.

We love, respect and honor the Mothers of the Cross, as one with the Blessed Mother, and protect and defend them through our perseverance to pray and sacrifice for them daily.


…The hands of the priests are the hands of My Son who come to me to remove these thorns that cause me so much suffering. The hands of purity remove these thorns but purity in every act, purity in every thought, purity in every desire… It is not busyness with so much to do that consoles our Hearts but pure love in every act, thought and desire. The Missionaries of the Cross, above all, must be PURE and the hands of Jesus removing the thorns that pierce my Heart. —5/16/11

Consecrated to Mary

At the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 10, Mexico, 2016 



The Simple Path to Union with God

Missionaries of the Cross must be willing to wrestle with the Simple Path to be fully transformed. We must be willing to do what few men are willing to do-- enter the depth of our own hearts, receive the pain of self-knowledge and unite our wounds to the wounds of Christ crucified.


We propagate the resources of Love Crucified, especially the Simple Path, to bring to many the wisdom of the Cross and call forth many to become Christ’s victim souls for these decisive times.

Letter from Fr. Jordi to Missionaries of the Cross>>

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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