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Love Casts Out Fear

Lourdes Pinto – January 8, 2014

1 John 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love.”

(1) Fear of Adam and Eve, who after they sinned, “hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God.” Fear rooted in shame – guilt

(2) Fear of the unfaithful servant who buried his talents. Fear rooted in low self-esteem / false and wounded identity, an identity that does not know the love of God nor his own dignity as the “beloved of the Father”...

(3) Fear of Peter: Mt 16:22 When Jesus tells the disciples that He must go to Jerusalem to suffer and be killed, Peter tries to stop him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you” 

When they arrested Jesus and took Him to Caiaphas, the high priest, they brought false testimony against Him in order to put Him to death, but “Peter was following Him at a distance” Mt 26:58. He had fear of suffering rooted in self-love and lack of trust

In the Path to Union we are freed from fear as we receive:
HUMILITY – foot of the Cross
PURITY – pierced side of Jesus
LOVE – in the fire of the Sacred Heart

Love casts out fear.
Love heals our shame, guilt.
Love restores our true identity as sons and daughters of Abba.
Love moves us out of ourselves to give of ourselves.
Love brings us to perfect love and complete abandonment.

Some saints received the stigmata with the physical pain of the nail wounds, but ALL My saints were crucified to Me through My nails mystically. The mystical crucifixion is no less real and painful as the physical one; just as the white martyrdom is no less real and painful as the red martyrdom. Unity in the Holy Trinity is the fruit of becoming one with Me in My crucifixion, for this is perfect love. The ecstasy of the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit transforms the pain into the Sword of the Spirit that pierces the darkness of satan. This union of Love is achieved by few because of lack of perseverance and self-less love. One saint that becomes one in My crucified love has the power to transform an entire society. I am raising up My saints for the decisive times at hand to fight My holy war and usher in the era of peace. 12/28/14

Pope Francis:
Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero said mothers live a 'maternal martyrdom'. In his homily at the funeral of a priest killed by death squads, he said, echoing Vatican Council II, 'We must all be willing to die for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honour... Giving ones life does not only mean being killed; giving ones life, having the spirit of martyrdom, is self giving in duty, in silence, in prayer, in the honest fulfillment of one's duty; in that silence of everyday life, giving life a little at a time. Yes, as it is given by a mother, who without fear, with the simplicity of maternal martyrdom, conceives a child in her womb, gives him life, nurses him, nurtures him and cares for him with affection. It is giving life. It is martyrdom'.
“maternal martyrdom": a total surrender, without fuss, in silence, in prayer, in the fulfillment of duty. 

My daughter, My Mother carried My crucified Body in her arms and then she placed Me in the tomb, but she continued to carry My crucified Body in her heart. She continued to 'live in Love', in My crucified love. She is the first that continued to suffer with Me (Romans 8:17). I continued My love in suffering on earth through My Mother (Col. 1:24). She bore mystically all My wounds and radiated My light in the darkness of the world (2 Cor 4:6). My daughter, since My Mother 'lives in love' she radiates My light and possess the power of God. Each of My wounds radiates healing light and mercy. She was the first to live on earth as My living pure holy chalice of My precious Blood. Her hidden life on earth, after My death, God used as a watering can pouring My graces upon the early Church and world, and continues through the ages till today. She is gathering her maidens, as she is always perfectly obedient to the will of the Father, to live in the hidden force of My crucified love. This hidden force of pure victims of love will set the earth on fire. My daughter, you have been chosen to cooperate in this plan of salvation: BRING ME VICITM SOULS!

We should not be afraid of suffering
The Link between Suffering and Consolation (love): Fr Jordi

2 Corinthians 1:3-7 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. 6 If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer".

Take notice of what St Paul teaches above: 
 1-Christ suffers and comforts Paul
-To receive it, Paul must share Christ's suffering.
-Thus Paul becomes one with Christ
 2-Paul can now suffer to comfort the Corinthians.
-To receive it, the Corinthians must share Paul's suffering.
-Thus Corinthians can become one with Paul and Christ.

This is how the Body of Christ is built. It is a chain of suffering and comfort (love). One cannot link in the chain without accepting both.

“My daughter, the purest love on earth must be united to suffering. I came from Heaven to Earth to suffer in expiation for the sins of the world. This is love. Pure love gives itself solely because of love. The love of the Trinity is pure love, therefore, the Father gives His life by giving to the world His only begotten Son. The Holy Spirit flows from this most pure love, thus igniting the hearts of souls to suffer with Me so that they can enter in Love. The Cross without My Sacred Heart is useless suffering brought about by sin. But suffering united to My Cross is new life; it is participation in the work of redemption which is participation in the life of the Trinity. These mysteries can only be grasped by a humble heart, therefore, you must call My sons first to repentance at the foot of My Cross to receive the gold of precious repentance. Be still My daughter, for it is the pure suffering of the Mothers of the Cross that I will use to pierce the harshness of My sons' hearts. Suffer all with perfect faith in My crucified love.”

Throughout the entire Path the grace of God is being poured upon us, but we also must live a powerful DISCIPLINE OF SPIRIT (mortification). Living this daily discipline is PERSEVERANCE and SELF-LESS LOVE. 
Discipline of prayer / Blessed Sacrament 
Discipline of continuously “digging deep” to allow the Light of the Spirit into our shame, false identity, fears, wounds... it's a constant attentiveness to what is taking place in our hearts and attentiveness into the hearts of others...
Discipline of “suffering ALL with Jesus” 
Discipline of choosing to do what is most difficult not easiest. Ex: getting up early, stopping your work to attend to others, going to sleep on time, seeking communication and not withdrawing....
Discipline of entering into the Father's JOY in all circumstances and seeing through His eyes in anticipation. “Taking off the mask of sadness” Henri Nouwen
Discipline of silence / communication

Hector shared that in prayer he felt that as a community and individually we need greater purification. The messages of the Lord being entrusted to us need to be treasured, pondered profoundly and lived through a life of greater prayer and penance(Discipline of spirit).

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Love Crucified

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