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The Mystical Bridal Gown of

the Mothers of the Cross

8/15/2012, Feast of the Assumption


Words of our Blessed Mother describing the significance of the mystical bridal gown of the Mothers of the Cross. It is mystical and interior, only seen by God:


The veil signifies spousal union. The covering of your hair signifies that you belong totally to God; you are no longer of this world. You now live before the gaze of the Father at the foot of His throne. The veil and gown are both white and red, symbolizing the love and mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You live consumed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


The length of the veil symbolizes the wings of the Holy Spirit. As spouses of Jesus Christ, you are also spouses of the Holy Spirit. You live in the shadow of His wings which envelope you in His pure love. His wings cover you as you live before the throne of the Father. His wings protect you from the snares of the devil. His wings lift you to receive the kiss of union from your Beloved. His wings carry you to heaven to live with the angels and saints for all eternity.


The neck line is gold representing the living chalices. Your lives, as ONE with Jesus crucified, pour out His love and mercy upon many souls. You will collect the blood and tears of suffering of many, and through me, unite it to my crucified Son. You will collect the blood in suffering through your prayers and union in suffering with the agony of my Son.


Your gown is long, representing that you are ALL for the Lord: body, soul, spirit...


Hidden in the center of your gown is my Heart with many thorns embedded very deep to symbolize, that like me, you are God's hidden martyrs of love. You live adoring, glorifying, loving and thanking Jesus for His interior crucifixion. Your every breath must be in gratitude and love for His hidden martyrdom of love.


Your apostolate outside the home must be to proclaim Jesus' interior crucifixion, to be my hidden martyrs of love united to Him, and teach many how to unite their hidden sorrows of heart, through the Cross, to my Son's hidden life in the Eucharist. You are God's living hosts and you will help form many living hosts to bless the Church and world.


Around your waist is a rope. This represents the rope tied around Jesus' hands during His trial. You unbound Him with your love and the rope now around you symbolize your union with Him in His agony and crucifixion. Through Him, with Him and in Him you will help unbound many souls, especially priests, from the bondage of sin.


Your gown is mostly white symbolizing your purity as living hosts. You will be ONE with the power of God in the Eucharist for the salvation of many and the consolation of my Son.

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