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You are called to stand with Christ 
A letter to the men by Fr. Jordi Rivero

Brothers, I write to alert and encourage you because you are among the few who are seeking to be men of God. 

Men have been blinded and weakened by the enemy. Not just those that directly oppose Christ, but even good Christian men are constantly immersed in the secular mentality. Therefore, there is a danger of thinking that we are doing OK.

You are trying to provide and care for their families' needs but are you leading your family to the new life that Christ desires, where He as Lord is present and acting? 

Why are few men able? Because even most Christian men are afraid of God. I am not speaking of the virtue of "fear of the Lord" by which we act with reverence towards God and conscious of the harm that we do when we offend Him. Being afraid of God is the opposite: It is fear of letting God guide us because we want to be in control.

 We cannot justify ourselves obeying the Commandments, like the rich young men, if at the same time we remain afraid to open our hearts and allow Christ to enter and truly reign. It has no value to think that we are "normal", just like others. What is normal to the world is far from God's ways and quickly moving farther away.  


What criteria do you have to say: "This is OK", "This is to much or too little"  Do you have sound reasons to believe that you are discerning with the mind of Christ?  Peter loved Jesus but remained in control in his way of thinking, so Jesus told him: "Get behind me Satan for you are thinking as men do and not as God does" (Mt 8:33) Only later, once purified by the fire of the Cross which he wanted to avoid, does Peter become a new man.

Are you thinking as God or as fallen man? Does Christ really have authority over your thoughts, actions, decisions, words?  Do you think it is possible for Him to have that authority?  Do you WANT Him to have that authority?  Are you willing to pay the price, go through the necessary effort and struggle to apply the power of the Cross to your life and allow Christ to have that authority?


The Lord loves you and is committed to you.  He wants to come to you, empower you and guide you as He did with Peter, Paul and all the saints, but you need to be humble, acknowledge your fear of transferring the control of your life to Him, repent and turn to Him. 

Most men relegate "religious matters" to their wives and opt to immerse themselves on "practical" matters. These men do not understand that, without deep union with Christ, they are blind and weak. They are forfeiting their God given mission to lead in the battle that is destroying families, nations and the world. Without men shepherds, the wolves ravage the sheep.


Men need to humble down and bend the knee. Men need to allow God to enter into areas of their hearts where they are now not opening up. Men cannot be guided by what they want or feel, for desires and feelings are bound up in the flesh by the enemy until God frees them. For men to be free they must apply the power of the cross, deny themselves and follow Christ.

My concern is for all men, but particularly for you, Missionaries of the Cross and men whose wives are members of Love Crucified. You are constantly in my prayers. Your wives have given their lives to the Lord. That is a great blessing for you and your family. Are they being an example to you?  Then, how are you responding to this great responsibility?

YOU CAN have the deep union with Christ and you NEED it to be fully the men that God created you to be.  

I am available to you, and you are always encouraged to participate in everything of Love Crucified.

Yours in Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary,

Fr. Jordi Rivero. 

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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