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Teachings of the Love Crucified Community

Monthly Cenacles

Teachings for Love Crucified Women (MOC)

Motherhood Requires Mercy and Justice

Lourdes Pinto | May 6, 2023

Women must live the emotion of anger through the power of their sorrows as ONE with Christ in Mary! Holy anger must always act from love!


Mourn with Mary

Lourdes Pinto | March  4, 2023

The Lord tells the Mothers of the Cross, remain in mourning with Mary. This teaching explains the lament of Mary and the process of the purification of the human emotion of sorrow needed to achieve the union of sorrow and joy in the cloister of Mary’s Heart.


Soledad (Solitude)

Lourdes Pinto | February 4, 2023

The spiritual state of Mary’s “soledad” is the summit of The Simple Path. Jesus said, "The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth."


Holy Sorrow Vs. Sadness

Lourdes Pinto | November 12, 2022

“The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth.” This teaching answers the questions: Is there a difference between holy sorrow and the emotion of sadness? How is sadness transformed into holy sorrow?


Lament of Daughter Zion

Lourdes Pinto | October 8, 2022

We are learning to live the emotion of sorrow through the purification of the 2nd nail so that the sorrows of the maternal heart, united with the Mother of Sorrows, have the power of the Cross to help in the purification of the world.


Significance of the Veil

Lourdes Pinto | May 7, 2022

There is a trend among Catholic women to return to wearing the veil at Mass, yet few understand the deeper significance of the veil.

A Fast Acceptable to God

Lourdes Pinto | March  5, 2022

God reveals to Isaiah (Is 58) the fast He desires. This reflection shows the nitty-gritty of how to “loose the bonds of injustice” and unbind the chains of oppression. It explains God’s wisdom in mortifying ourselves through silence. 

Prayer of Long Waiting in Silence

Lourdes Pinto | Sept 11, 2021

"Your hearts purified, emptied, and formed as My victims of pure love, one with My Mother of Sorrows, is the power of God to cast into hell the principalities of death. Give yourselves to prayer and silence as My warriors preparing and saving souls..." (6/6/20). The prayer of long waiting in silence with trust and hope is an intimate participation in the love of the Trinity for humanity.


Women of Courage Called to Battle

Lourdes Pinto | Aug 7, 2021

Our Lord is calling for women of courage to unite their sorrows to the sorrows of Our Mother’s heart. She collects with her tears Our Lord's Precious Blood.  United with Mary and anointed with Christ's Precious Blood, these holy women possess the power of God to free many souls from the deception of Satan and the powers of the new world order being established in the midst of this pandemic.

The Mystery of the Cross: A Love Unknown by the World

Lourdes Pinto | Dec 5, 2020

In this reflection on “The Pieta,” we discover our identity as Mothers of the Cross to live the hidden martyrdom of the heart as Mary, our Mother of Sorrows.  Like Mary, we must sacrifice our maternal hearts and participate as ONE in the sufferings... the pains...the tears and sorrows of Our Beloved— Love Crucified.  We are called to enter and remain in the Mystery of the Cross, in the silence and hiddenness of our hearts.


Humility in Silence

Lourdes Pinto | March 7, 2020

This talk leads us to ponder the depth of God’s humility in Christ's silence as He is stripped. We are called to be His Body, His Blood, One Sacrifice for love of Him and participate intimately in His suffering. Through the Path, we are challenged to come to know and understand our self-love, misery, and impure hearts, so we can grow and be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ Crucified. Our growth in silence is connected to our growth in humility.

Long Suffering

Lourdes Pinto | October 5, 2019


MOC Serve In the Awareness of Who God Is

Lourdes Pinto | August 3, 2019

Identity and Mission of MOC

Lourdes Pinto | September 1, 2018

Formation for the Mission

Lourdes Pinto | February 3, 2018

Also given to the MC. 

Christ's Hands Tied

Lourdes Pinto | August 4, 2018

La Soledad (Solitude)

Maria Hickein | January 7, 2017

Brides of Love Crucified

Lourdes Pinto | October 10, 2015


Lourdes Pinto | February 7, 2015

Spiritual Motherhood for Priests

Maria Hickein | October 4, 2014 


Peter Followed at a Distance

Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2014

"My Gaze is Upon You" - Power of Your Ordinary Life

Lourdes Pinto | August 11, 2012

"Believe, my daughter, believe." We need the faith of a Mustard Seed, and Jesus will do the impossible through us. "Believe in the power of your ordinary hidden lives lived through Me, with Me, and in Me." The greater the tenderness of our hearts, like Jesus', the greater our sensitivity to love and suffer with Christ. 

Teachings for Love Crucified Men (MC)

Fatherhood Requires Mercy and Justice – Understanding Just Anger

Lourdes Pinto | May  4, 2023

What is just anger? This teaching answers the question and reveals that true fatherhood must have BOTH mercy and justice. One without the other is not authentic love.


Obstinacy: Barrier to the Union of Sorrows

Lourdes Pinto | February 2, 2023

The sin of obstinacy is more common among men. Why? What is the sin of obstinacy, and why is it so grave? Do you struggle with obstinacy in your life? This teaching explains how obstinacy is a barrier to the most perfect union with Christ on earth: the union of sorrows.


Coupling the Spiritual Box Cars

Fr. Ron Sciera – December 1, 2022

Forward progress on the Path entails moments of back and forth. The key is to stay connected by living attuned to  THE REAL COUPLER!


Emotions – The Spirit Aligns Our Emotions in Christ

Lourdes Pinto – November 11, 2022

The 2nd nail of crucifixion makes us aware that our emotions need to be transformed so that we can be fully human in Christ. This teaching covers the how-to process of connecting with our emotions and allowing the Spirit to integrate them in Christ.

Do I Really Want to Repent?

Fr. Jordi Rivero – February 3, 2021

Only united with Christ's love in suffering through the battle, can we come to repentance. 

Missionaries of the Cross of LC – Testimony

Fr. Jordi Rivero – March 5, 2020

The struggles to embrace the gift given to us.


God's Question

Fr. Ron Sciera – April 11, 2019

"Do you think that My death and resurrection was useless and powerless?" 

Testimony to Men

Hector Ramos – November 2, 2018

Hector encourages the men of LC to have the faith of the prophets: Believe, My sons, believe!” 

Missionaries of the Cross – Identity and Mission

Lourdes Pinto | August 30, 2018

Identity and mission of the Missionaries of the Cross, men of the Love Crucified Community. Bronze wall.

Formation for the Mission

Lourdes Pinto | February 1, 2018

Also given to the MDC 


Men Yoked to Christ

Lourdes Pinto | January 11, 2018

How to remain faithful and strong, focused in the identity and mission God gives us, by following the example of St. Joseph. 

Missionaries of the Cross – Identity

Lourdes Pinto | January 5, 2017  –audio.


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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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