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Pilgrimage to Mexico of the Love Crucified Community

Dec 7-13, 2016

During the Solemnities of the Immaculate Conception, the Birthday of Conchita and the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
To pray, ponder, consecrate ourselves and seek Our
Lady's guidance.

Estoy a la puerta - Jessed
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Special thanks to Julia, Juliana, Bernadette and deacon Edgar for their pictures.
-Fr. Jordi Rivero

Dec. 7-10: Days of prayer at the chapel & crypt of Conchita.

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Left: Conchita's vision of the Cross marks the entrance to Blessed Conchita's burial site and retreat house, "El Altillo," of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit founded by Bl. Conchita and Fr. Felix.
Right: Conchita, widowed, with 7 of her 9 children.


On the crypt of this church is buried Venerable Concepción Cabrera de Armida.


We adore Jesus - our love, our life.


Our family around Conchita.
May we be as passionate, loving Christ as she.

"My daughter -Jesus said to me- I want you to say frequently and especially y your sorrows, these words, with a loving disposition, ´this is my body, this is my blood,´ offering yourself to the eternal Father in union with me. Don't you remember that you are a living host and shall be a victim?"

No longer two but one, in My sacrifice of love

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Conchita Cabrera de Armida                                   

Cross of Love Crucified Comm.

Cross given to Conchita in vision


 Maria & Lourdes

Mexico Cathedral
Dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady.
There, we
 encounter martyrs and saints.
ec 9, 2016


This magnificent cathedral was dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption in 1656, 85 years after construction began. But it was not finished until 1813. It is built on the site of an Aztec temple in the center of the city.


Christ of the Poison
Mothers of the Cross adore Jesus Crucified - our life and joy - under the advocation of "Christ of the poison." He took upon Himself the poison of Satan in order to set us free. According to tradition, enemies tried to kill the bishop by placing poison on His feet on this crucifix, but when the bishop went as was his custom to kiss His feet, Jesus pulled them back and the crucifix remained in that position. We too in Love Crucified have the practice of kissing Jesus´ crucified feet (read the Path) and should not fear to do so for He is our love and strength.

Our Lady of Light
She rescues us from darkness giving us Christ
who is Light. Without a clear identity, we are
in darkness, swayed by all the forces around us.


The Immaculate Heart of Mary gathered us around her at the Cathedral and told us that she was pleased with us. She also encouraged us to live our identity as transformed men and women living the Path with her. Lourdes received a vision: Mary gave her 2 roses, one red for martyrdom and one white representing purity. She brought them together to become one. Lourdes understood that purity is necessary for martyrdom and reminded us that white and red are the colors of our community´s Cross and also of Divine Mercy.


The Mothers of the Cross and the Missionaries of the Cross were moved to pray for each other.


As we admired and prayed at the numerous side altars of the Cathedral we found the tomb of Ven. Bishop of Mexico, Luis Maria Martinez (1937-1956), whose spiritual writings have been an inspiration to many in the community. He was Conchita's last spiritual director.

We also found martyrs, such as St. Vital who was buried alive for helping a companion not to loose his faith, and the chapel at right dedicated to St. Felipe de Jesus, the first native Mexican missionary martyred in Japan (1597)at the age of 25. He is the patron of youth and of Mexico City. Come Holy Spirit, that we may follow their footsteps!

Our Sorrowful Mother

Near the cathedral, on Madero Avenue, we reach the church of San Felipe Neri, to venerate a relic of the Holy Cross and venerate our sorrowful Mother.





The statue of our Sorrowful mother that is venerated in the church of San Fhilip Neri was photographed during our 2011 and 2016 pilgrimages. I always felt that the first photograph was a special gift of our Mother for the community, that she was showing us her desire to enter the Path with her! He tears shined brightly as diamonds. That image is now in front of my desk at the Refuge of Padre Pio. I pray to her daily for each one of you, our sons and daughters. We are one heart with her in love and thus also in her sorrow for the offenses against Jesus and the suffering of her children.


Relic of a fragment of the Cross

Padre Miguel Pro — Martyr 

Now we go to the Church of the Holy Family to pray close to the remains of Fr. Pro.


Blessed are those who are moved by our Crucified Jesus to follow Him to Cross.


Blessed Father Miguel Pro SJ was martyred Nov 23, 1927 for excercising her priestly ministry. Like Fr. Felix, he had returned back to Mexico during the persecution while many were leaving. While they shot him he chose to have a crucifix in one hand and a rosary in the other, arms extended in the form of the Cross. He forgave his persecutors and died crying out "viva Cristo Rey" (long live Christ the King). President Calles thought that executing Padre Pro publicly would demoralize Catholics, so he had the execution photographed and published on the newspapers, but it had the opposite effect. Thousands lined the streets at his burial even though it was forbidden. He teaches us faith, courage to be victims of love without fear. He was fully aware of his identity and faith.
This happened in a Christian country just like it has happened many times (France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Cuba...) Our Lady, prepare our hearts!!

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Love Crucified pilgrims pray to Padre Pro. Holy Family Parish, Mexico


Holy Family behind the altar
The glorious reign of Jesus and Mary with the victorious martyrs and saints.
Padre Pro found the treasure for which he gave up everything.

Yo Nací Para la Cruz - Music
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Padre Felix Rougier de Jesus

Co-Founder and close friend of Conchita


Statue of Fr. Felix by his tomb, Fr. Jordi visit of 2011 


Cross of the Apostolate, founded by Blessed Conchita

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Copyright ©2022 .

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