To remain with Christ as His companions of the Cross.
I feel my Lord in my soul holding His chalice. His tears of sorrow for our brokenness fall one-by-one into the chalice. He thirsts for my companionship. His gaze invites me to remain with Him and just to be with Him. I remain next to Him, with Him, as He cries God's tears of sorrow for each of us. I am not called to do, but just to be with Him, to accompany Him in His sorrows. Through the grace of God, my soul is living in the hidden life. The world does not understand the hidden life. It is God who does, Who suffers, Who redeems, but I enter and live within the words of the Mass, “through Him, with Him and in Him.” This hidden life is not a state of inactivity but of great activity. It's a participation in the activity of God Himself. I am accompanying my Lord, Who suffers for all. This is peace, and the fruit of this peace is JOY! —2/6/13 Simple Path #40 p. 142. 🔗See more messages
To raise up a holy transformed priesthood.
The future of My Church depends on My priests becoming true victims of love. You are called to raise My army of holy priests, which will be my army of victim souls. Do not hesitate for the time is short. Preach victimhood, for it holds the power of the love of God. (6/12/11). 🔗See more messages
Our Mission
To respond to the plea of the Lord, “Bring Me victim souls.”
Your mission is to help raise up God's pure victims of love to defeat the darkness of Satan. My daughter, bring Me victim souls for the decisive battle is at hand (7/11/13 ). 🔗See more messages
To help usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the new Pentecost.
My daughter the mission of LC is to bring souls to the feet of Jesus crucified with Mary, through consecration. They will enter the Cross through the gate of Mary… . I desire for this time to be the time of My greatest martyrs. It is the blood of My martyrs united to the Blood of Jesus Christ that will usher in the new Pentecost with the reign of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. I desire countless hidden martyrs like My Spouse, the Queen of Martyrs. Here lies the POWER OF GOD and the full power of the Holy Spirit, which will be poured out through the POWER OF THE CROSS. The —9/15/10 Feast of our Mother of Sorrows. 🔗See full text and more messages
To live and spread our spiritual formation book, The Simple Path to Union with God, as the means of being transformed into Love.
Do not be ashamed of My words and share the treasure of Heaven that has been entrusted to you (The Simple Path to Union with God) with many. Complete My Path and as My Heralds of Hope teach it from the housetops. This is your mission. Respond with great zeal and courage of heart, as My warriors of love, for these decisive times. —(10/20/12), Simple Path p.440).
See also:
■ An overview of The Simple Path, introducing our charism, by Lourdes Pinto (audio and text) 🔗
To discern the signs of our times
…TRUST and do not be afraid… Raise up My army of holy priests! …Speak to them of the signs of the times. Awaken them to action! My warriors must be ready to fight the decisive battle! Call them to action, My little one!... 1/8/11. 🔗See more