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 "Ponder" – Message for the New Year 2022
Lourdes Pinto — January 7, 2022

Message from the Lord for the New Year


God in His infinite goodness will conquer the beast with the few little pure victims of love
My little one, the time approaches for the great persecution of My followers. I, like I did with My apostles, disciples, Mother, and friends, am preparing you for this difficult hour. Few will remain faithful, My little one. Judas betrayed Me because his passions had not been purified. His zeal for his desires, power, and riches darkened his soul so that Satan could manipulate him. He became Satan’s instrument of destruction, even though he had been in the band of My intimate followers and had continuous access to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is what will happen again at the final hour. I will be betrayed by those closest to Me, My consecrated souls because the darkness within their hearts have not been purified and Satan will deceive them until it's too late. My small community of Love Crucified will also suffer this devastation because not all have listened and responded to My voice preparing them for these difficult times. Persevere, My little one, proclaiming My voice in the midst of the great darkness. I promise you and my few faithful victim souls that My triumph is at hand. Remain in the Immaculate Heart of Mary in silence and prayer pondering the words I have spoken to you, and you (plural) will have the purity of heart to persevere till the end. Do not be discouraged seeing such few faithful souls, for God in His infinite goodness will conquer the beast with the few little pure victims of love that live daily in and through My sacrifice of love as one with Mary consumed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. Encourage My little mustard seed to persevere living the Simple Path I continue guiding you (plural) in. It is this Path that will set you free to be My warriors for the final hour that draws near. Encourage them to ponder as you have been doing daily in the Heart of Mary, My Mother. Encourage them to listen and receive My words, which have the power to make of them a new creation in the image and likeness of God. Rejoice, for God loves you (plural) and is bringing forth the new men and women of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. This new year will be filled with challenges and many trials. Pray, pray, pray so that you are not deceived by Satan and his many dominions. I am with you (plural) guiding you to victory. I bless you (pl) with my kiss of peace.
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