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Canaanite Women's Faith

Writer's picture: Fr. Jordi RiveroFr. Jordi Rivero

The contrast between the Israelites in the desert

and the Canaanite woman

–Lourdes Pinto, cenacle of 8/10/17

  • My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage, and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. –6/8/17

*Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love.
*Respond with courage and zeal, believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world.
*Believe that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world.
*Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you.
*Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand.
*Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts.
Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace.
Numbers 13 & 14
The Israelites, after having lived the parting of the Red Sea, being fed miraculously with the manna every morning and quails every evening, witnessing the face of Moses shining with the Light of God after having spoken to Him face-to-face, seeing the presence of God in a cloud over the tent, finally arrive at the land of Canaan. Upon arriving, the Lord sends Moses to “reconnoiter” (make a military observation of a region) the land of Canaan, and says, “which I am giving the Israelites.” (Numbers 13:1). But after observing the territory, they are frightened because the men of this land are too strong for them. (13:31) Some begin to doubt, and this leads them into Satan’s trap of discouragement, and they begin to grumble against Moses and Aaron:
  • “All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, the whole community saying to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt,” or “If only we would die here in the wilderness! Why is the Lord bringing us into this land only to have us fall by the sword? Our wives and little ones will be taken as spoil. Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us appoint a leader and go back to Egypt.” (Numbers 14:2-4)

They are not able to believe that God will do the impossible with the impossible. Fear becomes an obstacle to faith. The spirits of fear, doubt, and discouragement quickly spread among the entire community. It’s amazing how quickly fear, confusion, discouragement, and despair can spread throughout a group of people. The Lord also has warned us about this happening in the world:
Message of Jesus, 7/17/15
  • Soon and very soon, Justice as the illumination will be knocking at your doors. There will be great moaning and grinding of teeth. Many will despair. There will be confusion. But those who have been made clean by the blood of the Lamb will experience the glory of God... Know who you are...

Message of Jesus, 8/10/12
  • Soon the world as you know it will cease to exist. My followers will be persecuted. You will be hunted down as beasts are pursued in secret, hidden, and captured. There will be much wailing in the streets of Jerusalem. Be attentive, for the justice of God is now approaching the world. It will visit you as a thief in the night. My messages must now be published, ‘It Is My Victim Souls That Will Conquer The Dragon; Bring Me Victim Souls!’

(Then Jesus asked me to go to His Word (the Bible) to confirm what He just said. I opened to 1 Samuel 20:24-42.)
The beast will pursue you as Saul pursued David... The beast shall die. He will be killed by the Word of the Cross, which is the Sword of the Spirit. Be My sword!
Because of Israel’s lack of faith and obstinacy, the Lord is forced to punish them.
  • Corresponding to the number of days you spent reconnoitering the land—forty days—you shall bear your punishment one year for each day: forty years. Thus, you will realize what it means to oppose me. (Numbers 14: 34)

We can very easily read these stories of the Israelite nation and judge them, and yet fail to see ourselves in the many difficult situations that God has permitted in our lives and our lack of faith also. We forget the many times that we, too, have grumbled against others and God in the storms of our lives. We, too, forget how God has been providing for us all our lives. We can have this same spirit even within our Love Crucified community.​
Like with the Israelites, God has been leading us, His little mustard seed, by the hand. He has been speaking to us, warning us, forming us, showing great signs and wonders, and promising us truly amazing things.
Message of Jesus, 8/6/17
  • See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world.
You have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world.
Do we, too, forget these promises, like the Israelites, every time we are confronted with an impossible situation?
How do we grumble?​
We must REPENT of our lack of trust. Pray PSALM 51 with the groans of your heart united to the groans of the Spirit!
MATHEW 15: 21-28 –The Canaanite woman’s faith
  • Then Jesus went from that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” 23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” 24 [j]He said in reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But the woman came and did him homage, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 He said in reply, “It is not right to take the food of the children[k] and throw it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” 28 Then Jesus said to her in reply, “O woman, great is your faith![l] Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour.

We need to have the same spirit of the Canaanite woman and learn from her, for Jesus was using this pagan woman to teach us something of great wealth.
1. First, she makes herself VULNERABLE and is willing to look like a fool, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” Trust believes and always looks foolish to the eyes of the world. True trust is rooted in humility. What have we learned about humility? Humility requires that we know God and ourselves. The Canaanite woman knows that Jesus is Lord and that she is a “dog”, a pagan, unworthy of anything.
2. She PERSEVERES, even when Jesus “did not say a word in answer to her.” Even the disciples look at her with repulsion because they say to Jesus, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” Then Jesus finally answers her with the reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This woman could have easily entered and reacted from the wound of rejection, but she perseveres in faith, knowing who Jesus is.
  • Through humility and purity, you will quickly attain perfection in all the other virtues if you persevere in prayer. (03/04/11) Path #28

  • Persevere in wearing the crown of many thorns. Path #41

  • Are you willing, My little ones, to allow your hearts to be pierced as ONE with My Mother’s for the cleansing of My priesthood and the salvation of many? Do not grow stubborn, but persevere in love by suffering all as ONE with My Pierced Sacred Heart and the pierced Immaculate Heart. Path #76

3. She approaches Jesus and does Him HOMAGE, “Lord help me.” She acknowledges her nothingness and begs for His help because she is convicted of who He is. This conviction of the truth that Jesus is God, all-powerful and mighty, able to do the impossible, keeps her in homage before the Lord.
  • The prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving should be your every breath. Path #97

  • This is why suffering all your sorrows with Me is so beneficial for your soul, because, in that process, you touch the open wounds of My love for you. This perfects a soul quickly in abandonment and trust until you come to experience all, the good and what you perceive as bad, as a gift of My love for you. The gift of knowing with your mind, heart, and soul that the love of God only desires to make of you the new creation you were created to be from the beginning of time, a creation in the image and likeness of God as holy sons and daughters of the Most High. Path #115

  • My Mother lived her life in praise of the Father. She lived in the constant awareness of who the Father is. Her soul was in a constant state of awe. Path #20

4. Her FAITH AGAIN IS TRIED by Jesus, “It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” These seemingly harsh words from the Lord do not seem to distress her in any way. Her faith in Christ is anchored in the knowledge of her nothingness and that Jesus is everything, and she proclaims from the depth of her humble heart: “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.” Our faith, too, must be tried in the furnace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
What seemingly harsh words from others can set me off and bring me into anger, doubt and discouragement?
5. Jesus, through her faith, casts out the demon hurting her daughter.​
  • These angels of death can only be fought through Me, with Me, and in Me, in the power of the Spirit, through the Cross. I am dressing My soldier of light in My humility, purity, and childlike innocence. He must live knowing his nothingness and weakness, for it is I who am everything, all power, and might. Pray for greater trust and abandonment so that the authority of My Spirit can be stirred into flame in him to cast out the demons of hell. The hidden force of My little mustard seed (LC Community) is the power of God’s force moving through him. – Message of Jesus, 8/3/17

The Lord has called us to fight against the demons of hell. For this, we must ponder the striking difference between the hearts of the Israelites and this pagan woman. The Lord in this message makes it very clear that we, too, like the Canaanite woman, must be humble, pure, and have a childlike innocence. We must know who we are – nothing – and who God is – everything, all power, and might. We must all pray for perfect TRUST and ABANDONMENT rooted in true humility so that we do not continue falling in Satan’s trap of responding through our wounded hearts, but rather, through hearts steadfast in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE!
To have the humility and faith of the Canaanite woman is rare. We too must be transparent before God to recognize, through self-knowledge, how our hardened hearts continue to be like the Israelite people. We must understand that we are in a process, from hearts like the Israelites to hearts of great faith and trust like the Canaanite woman. God is promising us transformation into living hosts, and we must be receptive and docile to this process.
Image: Carl Christian Constantin Hansen –Christ and the Canaanite Woman
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