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Eucharistic Reign

Writer's picture: Fr. Jordi RiveroFr. Jordi Rivero

Our vocation is to adore the Eucharistic Jesus. Evil grows in the world due to indifference towards the Eucharist.


Lourdes Pinto, Cenacle 9/10/20

The sin of indifference to the Eucharist. 3/7/15

As I adored Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, He allowed me to see Him crying. I was moved to a profound sorrow of heart as I gazed at His tears. "Why, my Lord, are you crying?" I asked.

He cries for the sin of indifference to His presence in the Eucharist. He explained that there is an even greater darkness than the darkness of all the evil of the terrorist, and that is the darkness of the indifference to Jesus alive and present in the Eucharist. This darkness leads and opens the way for the darkness of evil to spread and grow. Because of this sin of indifference to His Eucharistic life, we will live a time when we will not have Jesus in the Eucharist.

Love Crucified has the mission from God to prepare ourselves and the world for the new Pentecost that will bring forth the Eucharistic Reign of Christ.

What is the Eucharistic Reign?

Jesus tells us in His message 11/27/18 to the Love Crucified community:

My Eucharistic Reign will be a time of peace in which My presence will be seen through My living hosts. These lights in the world will shine brightly, and many will come to know and love Me in the Eucharist, thus making My Eucharistic presence the center of their lives. I will be known, adored, and glorified in My Eucharist through the impulse of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord in that same message tells us that "The Path has been entrusted to us by God as a gift of His Divine Mercy to prepare us and the Church for what is to come." "This Path is the preparation of the saints, the victim souls who will endure these end times and usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Christ's Eucharistic Reign."

The Path is the grace of Divine Mercy to awaken, illuminate, purify and transform us into the Light of God in the world, His living hosts. That is why the Lord encourages us to "recommit ourselves to live with greater faithfulness and zeal the Simple Path to Union With God."

The Eucharistic Reign is the reign of Love, and it is expressed in the radical Gospel of Luke 6:27-36 – Love for Enemies:

"But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29 To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. 30 Give to every one who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again…32 "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them… (You have to choose to love those most difficult to love. You must always choose love, patience, and tenderness and never give in to anger and resentment. Path p.294) 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. 36 Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.

I Give Myself to the Good and the Bad —Diary of a MOC. –49.p.162

The Eucharist is the power of God in the world. The love of God is the Eucharist and is transmitted through the Eucharist.

….I give Myself fully to the good and the bad, to the deserving and the undeserving, to those who love Me and to those that persecute Me… I continue to love those who do not love Me. I continue to love those who use Me. I continue to love the unfaithful. I continue to love those indifferent to My love.

The ONLY way that we can love our enemies and those who abuse us is through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ; by becoming one with the Living Host! This Gospel can only be lived by souls who have placed Jesus Eucharist at the center of their lives. Souls who have chosen to be with Jesus daily and for long periods of time, sacrificing their inordinate desires for Him. Therefore, to become God's MARTYRS OF LOVE, one with LOVE CRUCIFIED, Jesus Eucharist must be the CENTER OF OUR LIVES, our One and All!

The EUCHARISTIC REIGN is the reign of Love in souls.

How is it that the Most High is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish? Our behavior doesn't change who God is. God is who He is regardless of our sins. He is the great "I Am"!

The message of 11/27/18 ends with this sentence:

Prepare… by pondering who you are and the mission entrusted to you.

God always brings us to know who we are and the mission given to us. He taught us that each of us has become someone we are not, and the Path of transformation is coming to discover who we are in Christ.

If I remain stuck in my wound, believing all the lies Satan has planted in my wounds, acting in my disordered tendencies, it is IMPOSSIBLE to love those who hurt me, and this Bible passage from Luke becomes my green light to become the WRONG KIND OF VICTIM – the "doormat," the enabler, the people pleaser, the "nice" person that lives stuck in fears and the desires to be liked by everyone.

Only through LONG HOURS with Christ before the Eucharist can we learn from Him, encounter Love, and come to know who we are. Then, when someone insults us, for example, saying that "I am good for nothing" and on-and-on, I know that it is a LIE; I know that I am Abba's beloved daughter; I know that He sent His only begotten Son to set me free to be fully one in the Love of the Trinity; I know my dignity as God's daughter and spouse of Christ, and therefore, that insult doesn't penetrate nor change the TRUTH OF WHO I AM. That insult or abuse doesn't bring me to react from my wounds but moves me to acclaim the truth: "That is a lie, and I am worth a lot because I am the daughter of God…" When I act in TRUTH, in Christ, I do not take personally the evil in the other person, and I am then able to mourn the darkness in that soul and pray for their conversion.

The reason we cannot love, if we are living as "doormats", is that we believe the lie as truth. We have a distorted image of ourselves and therefore take the abuse personally and react from our wounds. This is the cycle of oppression, of a deep-rooted darkness in which Love cannot triumph.

Messages from the Lord on the Eucharistic Reign:

My saints on earth are united to My sacrifice of love in your abandonment to suffer with Me, –message of 11/3/19

As I began my Holy Hour, I heard Jesus tell me to open my Bible and read Revelations 8. After I read Rev. 8, He spoke these words:

My little one, much will have to take place on earth before the establishment of My Eucharistic Reign. You (plural) are My saints of the end times united as one with the holy saints in heaven. Because My saints on earth are united to My sacrifice of love in your abandonment to suffer with Me, your prayers are powerful before the throne of Abba. Know, My little one, that your prayers are continuously before the throne of our Father as pure incense. He delights in your prayers, and He hears the cry of the poor. The poor are not only the poor of body but also the poor of spirit – those who have died to themselves so that I can live in them and through them. Much affliction must take place on earth because of the rebelliousness of the human heart, but God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, will bless the prayers of His saints –past, present, and future -- and establish His Kingdom on earth. Be at peace with complete abandonment to the God who loves you and listens to the cry of the poor. Persevere in your own crucifixion for the glory of God and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Go in peace to be My Light in the world.

Second coming –2/12/18

I have chosen you, My Little one, to proclaim My Love Crucified to the ends of the world. You, My prophet of these end times, will not be understood, received, accepted by the vast majority of My people, but your faithfulness to fulfill My Will will be accepted, honored, and blessed by The Father who sees all and knows all. The few, My little ones, who accept, receive, and honor this mission given to you, will be blessed by our Heavenly Father. He will multiply your lives given and broken through Me, with Me, and in Me. His power and His glory will fill your small sacrifices, united to My perfect sacrifice of love, to raise up a holy priesthood to usher in My Second Coming. My Second Coming will come through Mary, with Mary, and in Mary, for it is My Eucharistic Reign. My little one, the New Pentecost will be the reign of My Mother as one with My Eucharistic Reign united to the Father. This will be the new era of peace in the world – The Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This is the great mission given to you and the few that respond. Great will your glory be in heaven. Persevere, My little one, for you have found favor with the Father in the Son.

Message for LC for Advent –11/27/18

My little ones, prepare this Advent for My second coming. You have been chosen [as were John the Baptist, St Joseph, and Mary] to prepare yourselves and many for My Eucharistic Reign through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as in a new Pentecost. The Path has been entrusted to you as God's gift of His Divine Mercy to prepare yourselves and the Church for what is to come. Prepare this Advent united to My Mother and St Joseph as you recommit yourselves to live with greater faithfulness and zeal The Simple Path to Union with God. This Path is a gift for My Church before the justice of God touches the earth. This Path is the preparation of My saints who have allowed their hearts and minds to be washed with the Blood of the Lamb. This Path is the preparation of the 144,000 (Revelations 14:1-5) victim souls who will endure these end times and usher in the Reign of My Mother with My Eucharistic Reign. My Eucharistic Reign will be a time of peace in which My presence will be seen through My living hosts. These lights in the world will shine brightly, and many will come to know and love Me in the Eucharist, thus making My Eucharistic presence the center of their lives. I will be known, adored, and glorified in My Eucharist through the impulse of the Holy Spirit. Prepare this Advent by pondering who you are and the mission entrusted to you.

Your misery 10/16/19

Your misery is the essence of who you are. When you live in the awareness of your misery, then your gaze never leaves Me, for then you truly have come to know that you are nothing and capable of nothing good and pure. The essence of your misery is rooted in your ego—your I. It is your ego that must die like the grain of wheat in order for My life to take root in you. To come to know and live in your misery is the beginning of your death to self. It is the beginning of new life. A Life that begins to be centered in Me and My Will. The crucifixion of your desires is difficult and painful but not impossible for the soul who plunges its misery, with trust, in MY Mercy. Allow Me to crucify you for the glory of God and the salvation of the world. This force of God—His Hidden Martyrs of Divine Love—will set the world on fire with a new Pentecost that will usher in My Eucharistic Reign with the Immaculate Reign of My Most Holy Mother. Be at peace, My little one, for I am well pleased with you. Do not be afraid but be obedient to My every Word. Go in peace to love one another as I love you.

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