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Good Tidings – 1

Writer's picture:  Lourdes Pinto Lourdes Pinto

Jesus brings us good tidings! The Simple Path has brought us into the cloister of Mary's Immaculate Heart to be consumed by the Holy Spirit as one with Jesus crucified and into the Father's embrace to live "continuously in His peace and love." God is raising His saints of the end times to fight His holy war against the principalities of darkness!

This reflection focused on the message from our Lord given to the Love Crucified Community on April 29, 2024.

“Good Tidings” part 1




“Good tidings”

Today, I bring you good tidings (Is. 52:7). You and the few dedicated to living My simple path have been received in the embrace of Abba, Our Heavenly Father, to live on earth in His continuous peace and love. This holy union with the Father is the fruit of your union with Me, His sacrificial Lamb.


The earth prepares for the great destruction brought about by Satan and his principalities (Eph 6:12), and God is ready with His army of the poor in spirit. God's army, in the eyes of the world, seems small and insignificant, a non-threat to the powers of the world. Yet, God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, will conquer the darkness of this world through His hidden force of My victims of love.


Persevere in writing what I have revealed to you, for My way of the Cross has triumphed and will continue to triumph over every satanic battle until the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation.


Go in peace, my little one, persevering in writing My words and the path I have revealed to you.



Jesus’ words to us, “good tidings,” are found in Isaiah 52:7:


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." 


Jesus is bringing us the good news that if we are dedicated to living the Simple Path, we will be received into the embrace of our Abba. “Dedicated” means to devote time, effort, and oneself to a particular task or purpose. We must take the time to ask ourselves: How much time do I devote to listening to the teachings of the Path the Lord has given us? How much time do I devote to pondering His words that He has spoken to us? How much effort do I place in living the Path? Has this Path to holiness become my life? Am I focused on living this Path, which requires great interior silence and prayer to live attentive to the stirrings within our hearts, or am I dispersed in many good things? Jesus’ one word–– DEDICATED–– implies a total gift of ourselves to this charism.


The “good tidings” Jesus brings us is that the fruit of living united to the sacrificial Lamb is being received into Abba’s embrace to live in His “continuous peace and love.” Christ speaks of His peace in John 14:


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Jn 14:27


Christ’s peace is the perfect abandonment to the Father's Will, but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father (Jn 14:31). Jesus, amid the darkness of Satan working through fallen humanity, lived His passion in peace knowing the goodness of our Father, knowing that God reigns, knowing and participating in God's plan of salvation, knowing that His obedience to the Cross is God's triumph over death. The peace of God can only be received and lived in by doing God’s Will and knowing with all our hearts and minds the love of God––Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the peace of Christ and the peace He offers us to live in. This is why Jesus revealed to us the litmus test, which is to know that we are living in the life of the Trinity. He said:


Perfect peace amid suffering is the sign of a soul living in the life of the Trinity through her union with My sacrifice of love by the grace of the Holy Spirit. 12/15/21


These words from the Lord were actually the last sentence of a long message. The message was focused on who God is as Love––Father, Son, and Holy Spirit––because if we do not come to know and live in God’s love continuously, we do not have His peace:


The Father has always been; He is the Great I Am. My little one, His greatness and power have been misunderstood and feared by people in every generation, yet He is pure love. He begets Me, His Son, with all tenderness and longing. He begets Me from Himself. That is why to know Me is to know My Father. From our union and communion, the Holy Spirit is immaculately conceived. Think of the Father as a living ocean, and He flows into the Son, and this current of power is pure Love, which flows into the Holy Spirit, which flows back to the Father. This exchange of love is so powerful, a continuous Life from and back to the Father, that this triangle of Life is but One Life. We are three distinct Persons that share the same Life. That is why to know Me is to know the Father, for we are One. I became flesh, the God-Man, so that you could come to know and see the Father. This coming to know personally the Great I Am through Me is the greatest gift of redemption.


The Father also desired for his humanity to come to know and see the third Person of the Trinity, and He created the Mother of God from her conception full of grace. She is full of the Holy Spirit, consumed totally by Him so that it is the Holy Spirit that you see and know in and through Mary. Even though she is created not divine, for humans, she becomes the most perfect image of the Holy Spirit, which also reveals to humanity the beauty and goodness of the Father and Son. To know and love Mary is to know and love the Holy Spirit, which is to know and love the Father. Mary becomes the created being that is the gate to enter God through Me, her beloved Son. 


My little one, these mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity can only be received by the souls who, out of humble love of Me, follow My Mother to the foot of My Cross to enter My crucified Heart. No one on earth can journey the narrow path of My passion without the help and guidance of My Mother, for it is the Holy Spirit as one with her that is the path back to the Father through the Son. Therefore, the Mystery of the Cross reveals to humanity the Mystery of the Trinity. 12/15/21


Only in this perfect abandonment into the Father's embrace, lived with extraordinary faith, hope, and love, are we able to live without our hearts being troubled or afraid. Jesus explains His peace to us:


Peace is the gift I give to you(pl) but the gift of peace requires a soul to be connected to Me as the branches to the vine. 8/6/22


The world understands peace as not having war or fights among people, yet the peace God offers us is not as the world gives (27). Jesus' “calm dignity” reveals His peace—the peace He desires for us to receive and remain in—the peace that nothing of this world can take away–persecution, suffering, hardships, hunger, sickness, or economic distress.


Calm Dignity

The time is quickly approaching in which you will be judged as My followers. Do not be afraid, My little one, for I have walked this path before you. You, too, will approach your persecutors with “calm dignity.” The time draws near for the great sifting of mankind. All will have to choose to believe and follow Me or forsake Me and walk away. The few that remain faithful to their God and Savior will usher in the Eucharistic Reign of My Kingdom, but before this takes place, much blood will be shed. My little one, prepare My mustard seed for the great shake-up so that my remnant of followers can give Me testimony through their calm dignity amidst great adversity. Know that I am with you, guiding you and filling you with My life… 3/16/21


John 14:25-31:

"These things I have spoken to you, while I am still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

28 You heard me say to you, `I go away, and I will come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place, you may believe.30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me; 31 but I do as the Father has commanded me, so the world may know I love the Father. Rise, let us go hence


Jesus has been speaking to us. His words have been guiding us deep into the Scriptures to become totally transformed in Him and enter the communion of the Most Holy Trinity on earth to the degree that we can. His voice has been preparing us for this time of great darkness so that we will NOT BE AFRAID because we have come to know personally the goodness and power of God Trinity, and therefore, we will be the saints of the end times living in God’s peace and joy because we know with our hearts and minds that “God reigns!”


The Lord has now been speaking very little. He has guided us through the Holy Spirit and Mary to the end of the Path back to the Father so that we can remain in His peace, love, and joy amid the persecution close at hand.

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Catholic Community
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