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Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan

Writer's picture:  Lourdes Pinto Lourdes Pinto
Notes for the above teaching Decisive Battle: Kingdom of God vs. Satan's Kingdom
Cenacle 12/2/21
Feast of Christ the King
Today, the Church celebrates Christ the King. I told Pilate that My Kingdom is not of this world. My Kingdom is in heaven in perfect communion with My Father and the Spirit and with all the angels and Saints. My Kingdom is love, a love of total giving of self to the other and of a total receptivity from the other. This giving and receiving of pure, undefiled love is God. My Kingdom belongs to every soul that enters this communion of love (God) through My Cross. The path to enter this Kingdom is My Love crucified. As your crucified King, wearing My crown of thorns, clothed in the wounds of humanity, and covered in the Blood of My royal (priesthood), I revealed to you (humanity) the way into my Kingdom in heaven. Only the souls that adore Me as their crucified King and who desire to enter and live as one with Me on earth in My Love crucified will live My Kingdom in heaven on earth. Union with the crucified King is the only path to communion in the Trinity on earth. This is the Kingdom I came to establish on earth. Persevere during the time of great devastation, and you will live My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
(I asked the Lord how to persevere specifically with the issues of the vaccine and mandates…)
Many have received the vaccine to avoid suffering, others because they are clinging to their many attachments, others out of ignorance, but the majority because they did not seriously seek My Will and allowed themselves to be swept away by the many forces of Satan's temptations. Fear in the hearts of the multitude has come to light. This fear reveals the lack of love for Me in the hearts of the vast majority of souls, a love rooted in humility, intimacy, purity, abandonment, trust, and selflessness; therefore, the thief came unexpectedly and was able to enter their homes (hearts) and darken their souls to not recognize the signs of the times. Few, My little one, will persevere during this time of total darkness, which God is permitting as his justice. Remain in silence and prayer, and you, along with my faithful remnant, will participate with Me establishing My Kingdom on earth. Do not cave in, under any circumstance, to Satan's deception.
(How about priests in order to minister the sacraments?)
Did Peter and Paul follow the orders of the religious heads when they were told to stop preaching My Way? My priests can never join forces with Satan's evil to justify their ministry. They, too, must persevere as one with Me in my crucifixion during the time of great darkness. They, too, must be willing to suffer the injustice of being stripped of their faculties as I was stripped of all My glory, and this union of suffering with Me, the crucified King, will bring forth My purified Church. My little one, as mother with Mary and My spouse, you have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth. Do not hesitate to share these words. Go in peace to live the truth of who you are as one with Me, your crucified King
I. You have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth.
1. The truth of God's Kingdom
a. My Kingdom is love, a love of total giving of self to the other and of a total receptivity from the other. This giving and receiving of pure, undefiled love is God. My Kingdom belongs to every soul that enters this communion of love (God) through My Cross. The path to enter this Kingdom is My Love crucified.
Mt. 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
As your crucified King, wearing My crown of thorns, clothed in the wounds of humanity, and covered in the Blood of My royal (priesthood), I revealed to you (humanity) the way into my Kingdom in heaven.
Only the souls that adore Me as their crucified King and who desire to enter and live as one with Me on earth in My Love crucified will live My Kingdom in heaven on earth.
Union with the crucified King is the only path to communion in the Trinity on earth. This is the Kingdom I came to establish on earth.
Persevere during the time of great devastation, and you will live My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
b. The truth of the battle to bring forth His Kingdom
My Kingdom will be established through the power of My little ones
God the Father:
I, the God of heaven and earth, will destroy all the enemies of God through My little ones that possess the strength of perfect faith in God Almighty. I, from the beginning of time, have used my little ones to confound the mighty ones of the world. It will not be different in the great, decisive battle that has now begun. I, the God of heaven and earth, have been preparing My army for the great battle that will cleanse My Sanctuary and the world and bring forth My Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Rejoice, for My little mustard seed is part of My great army. Have courage because you, too, have come to believe in the God who loves you and sent his only-begotten Son to be a holy sacrifice for you. My Kingdom will be established through the power of My little ones who have joined themselves to the perfect and holy sacrifice of My Son. The faith of My pure victims of love past, present, and future are God's power that will defeat the enemies of God and usher in My Kingdom of Divine Love. Trust in all that has been spoken to you and continue to share these messages with the few willing to receive them. The ways of God are not the ways of the world.
c. The truth of the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as one with the Reign of the Holy Spirit
The era of the Holy Spirit is approaching
The Holy Spirit is not known yet, but the era of the Holy Spirit is approaching. He is one with the Incarnation of Jesus on earth. The Incarnation takes place through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and Son; they are inseparable. When Jesus is Incarnated in Mary's womb, the Holy Spirit is present as one in Christ. It is through the Incarnation that Mary receives the fullness of the Trinity. She is the first to live the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The Incarnation of Jesus brings the mystical incarnation of the Trinity on earth. This reality of the Holy Spirit is still not known, yet it is the reality that God's saints of the end times will live in order to usher into the world the Kingdom of God. Believe in all that has been spoken to you, even though you do not have the capacity to understand. Go in peace.
Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit
The Immaculata is united to the Holy Spirit so closely that we really cannot grasp this union. But we can at least say that the Holy Spirit and Mary are two persons who live in such intimate union that they have but one sole life. (p.43)
A marvelous mystery lies hidden here: the mystery of the presence of a divine Person in a creature taken up so totally, down to the very roots of her being, into his control, and for all time (p.42). This helps us understand the MYSTICAL INCARNATION
Perfect obedience to the will of God
From Mary:
…But as you allow the Holy Spirit to possess your will united as one with me, your Mother, through perfect obedience to the Will of God, love will triumph, and it is I, the Immaculate, and the Holy Spirit that will triumph. Thus, the reign of my Immaculate Heart and the new Pentecost will be fulfilled in you, and God's mission will expand its fruitfulness…
My little one, only love can win this battle and bring forth the fulfillment of the triumph of my Son's death and resurrection. Only purified love in the fire of the Most Holy Trinity can and will pierce Satan and cast him into hell with all his dominions…. I am drawing you into my Immaculate Heart to be consumed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, my Spouse…
Feast of the Assumption, my consecration to Mary and the Holy Spirit
…Your union now with Mary, as one with the Holy Spirit, prepares you to confront Satan and his principalities in her victory, for she is the Queen Mother that has defeated the dragon in her perfect union with Me, her beloved Son. It is through her power in the Holy Spirit that you will fight the great battle…
Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit – p.84
2. The truth of Satan's kingdom
a. Satan is spreading the kingdom of global Communism, the new world order.​
9/10/11 Prophecy
I want the LC website used to help form My martyrs of love for the decisive battle at hand. There will be wailing and grinding of teeth, massive confusion and desperation. This state of the world will open the doors for the New World Order and then will begin the time of great darkness and persecution for all My followers.
Satan is working to bring forth his new world order of destruction, but My crusade of victim souls will possess the power of God to crush the head of Satan. You are the heel of the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
My little one, believe that My passion on the Cross and My interior crucifixion has obtained a new world order, not the order of Satan's destruction, but the order of Divine Love lived in God's Will.
b. Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, April 20, 2011
What would the watchfulness to which the Lord invites us consist of? I would say that the disciples' somnolence (drowsy, sleepiness) in the course of history is a certain insensitiveness of the soul with regard to the power of evil, an insensibility to all the evil in the world. We do not wish to be unduly disturbed by these things, we prefer to forget them. We think that perhaps, after all, it will not be so serious and we forget.
Moreover, it is not only insensibility to evil when we should be watchful in order to do good, to fight for the force of goodness. Rather it is insensibility to God: this is our true sleepiness, this insensibility to God's presence that also makes us insensible to evil. We are not aware of God — he would disturb us — hence we are naturally not aware of the force of evil and continue on the path of our own convenience.
Nocturnal adoration of Holy Thursday, watching with the Lord, must be the very moment to make us reflect on the somnolence of the disciples, of the defenders of Jesus, of the Apostles, of us who do not see, who do not wish to see the whole force of evil nor do we wish to enter his passion for goodness…
c. The Great Deception
Satan is the prince of lies.
What are some of the lies?
  • The vaccine will protect us from being infected with the Covid virus.

  • Only through the vaccine will "herd immunity" take place

  • The vaccine is safe. VAERS (vaccine adverse effects reporting system)

  • Unvaccinated are spreading the virus.

  • Lockdowns, masks…

  • Children need to be vaccinated for their protection and that of society.

What are the fruits of these lies?
  • Fear

  • Control through mandates

  • Loss of freedom

  • Segregation/division

  • Censorship

  • People cannot travel nor go to public places without the green card.

  • Doctors have lost their right to prescribe medications and treatments according to their professional knowledge and expertise.

  • Important drugs such as ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine have been made impossible in many countries to access, even by prescription of doctors, thus, bringing about the death and suffering of many.

  • The big pharmaceutical companies have gained greater control

  • Australia is now living under the new world order of Satan

  • Austria, Germany, Czech Republic…. Have begun the persecution of the unvaccinated by forcing them to remain in their homes, house arrest through police enforcement.

Satan has used the lies concerning Covid and the vaccine to open the path to total control of humanity. This total control, the new world order, will then impose greater force to make people accept Satan's agenda, the "culture of death," the "anti-Gospel," of abortion, euthanasia, gender ideology, critical race theory, white supremacy, the indoctrination of our children in schools, which has already begun, and through the lie of "climate change" the control of industry, oil, and so on.
In the 2nd paragraph of the message, Jesus sums up all the reasons for people caving into the lie:
  • Avoid suffering

  • Clinging to attachments

  • Ignorance

  • Lack of serious discernment seeking the will of God

  • Fear, which reveals the lack of love for Him, love rooted in humility, intimacy, purity, abandonment, trust, and selflessness.

And then Jesus explains the consequence of fear- thief came unexpectedly and was able to enter their homes (hearts) and darken their souls to not recognize the signs of the times.
Remain in silence and prayer, and you, along with my faithful remnant, will participate with Me establishing My Kingdom on earth. Do not cave in, under any circumstance, to Satan's deception.
d. 3rd paragraph refers to the question of priests being told by their bishops to vaccinate.
Did Peter and Paul follow the orders of the religious heads when they were told to stop preaching My Way? My priests can never join forces with Satan's evil to justify their ministry. They, too, must persevere as one with Me in my crucifixion during the time of great darkness. They, too, must be willing to suffer the injustice of being stripped of their faculties as I was stripped of all My glory, and this union of suffering with Me, the crucified King, will bring forth My purified Church.
My little one, as mother with Mary and My spouse, you have the responsibility to help many persevere during the time of great darkness by speaking and living in My truth. Do not hesitate to share these words.
Satan will attempt to destroy you and My community of Love Crucified
My little one, be attentive to the signs of the times. You are in great danger. Satan will attempt to destroy you and My community of Love Crucified. You must remain in deep silence so that I can guide you in these perilous times. Unite My community at the foot of the Cross with Mary. Only the Holy Spirit can set you on fire as a burning oblation of sweet incense to the Father. This burnt and holy sacrifice will be received and blessed by the Father to aid the world during these dark times… it is a time of seclusion in prayer and silence with Mary preparing the world for the new Pentecost.
How are we being attacked individually and as a community?
  • Situations bring souls into the pit of their wound > darkness > Isolation >

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  • As a community, through murmuring, especially through the teachings Fr Jordi and I have given concerning the signs of the times. Satan has used this to bring division, confusion, and doubts concerning the voice of God that has been leading this little mustard seed for years.

JN 6: 60-61 "Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" 61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at it, said to them, "Do you take offense at this?"
Jn 6:63-64 "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you that do not believe."
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