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Living in the Trinity on Earth

Writer's picture:  Lourdes Pinto Lourdes Pinto

Living in the Trinity on earth

The Father has always been; He is the Great I Am.

My little one, His greatness and power have been misunderstood and feared by people in every generation, yet He is pure love. He begets Me, His Son, with all tenderness and longing. He begets Me from Himself. That is why to know Me is to know My Father. From our union and communion, the Holy Spirit is immaculately conceived. Think of the Father as a living ocean, and He flows into the Son and this current of power is pure Love, which flows into the Holy Spirit, which flows back to the Father. This exchange of love is so powerful, a continuous Life from and back to the Father, that this triangle of Life is but One Life. We are three distinct Persons that share the same Life. That is why to know Me is to know the Father, for we are One. I became flesh, the God-Man, so that you could come to know and see the Father. This coming to know personally the Great I Am through Me is the greatest gift of redemption.
The Father also desired for his humanity to come to know and see the third Person of the Trinity, and He created the Mother of God from her conception full of grace. She is full of the Holy Spirit, consumed totally by Him so that it is the Holy Spirit that you see and know in and through Mary. Even though she is created not divine, for humans, she becomes the most perfect image of the Holy Spirit, which also reveals to humanity the beauty and goodness of the Father and Son. To know and love Mary is to know and love the Holy Spirit, which is to know and love the Father. Mary becomes the created being that is the gate to enter God through Me, her beloved Son.
My little one, these mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity can only be received by the souls who out of humble love of Me follow My Mother to the foot of My Cross to enter My crucified Heart. No one on earth can journey the narrow path of My passion without the help and guidance of My Mother for it is the Holy Spirit as one with her that is the path back to the Father through the Son. Therefore, the Mystery of the Cross reveals to humanity the Mystery of the Trinity.
(I asked Jesus about myself because I do not feel I am living life in the Trinity.)
My little one, you must be careful because you are relying on human feelings to determine your life in the Trinity. I, on the Cross, felt abandoned by the Father, yet I knew I wasn't abandoned. Your level of union with the Trinity on earth is determined by the abandonment of your will to the Will of God, not by feelings. We are one, My beloved spouse, yet most of the time, I do not allow you to feel my presence. This I do to perfect the abandonment of your human will to Mine. Perfect peace in the midst of suffering is the sign of a soul living in the life of the Trinity through her union with My sacrifice of love by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean that God begets?
To beget is to become the father of: to create is to make. And the difference is this. When you beget, you beget something of the same kind as yourself. What God begets is God, just as what man begets is man. What God creates is not God, just as what man creates is not man. By saying that Jesus is begotten from the Father, we are saying that Jesus is fully God and not a creation of God (Arianism), nor is the Son of God simply a mode or action of God. (Catholic Answers)
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Message from the Immaculate to LC
You have received the gift of entering into the mystery of what God has done with me, a humble handmaid of the Lord so that each of you can receive the gift of greater knowledge of God's desire for all His creatures from the beginning of time-consummation into the life of the Most Holy Trinity to participate in the ecstasy of Divine Love.
“In all He does, God always wills to make use of instruments…. God, who gave us free will, wants us to serve him freely in the role of instruments, by bringing our wills into harmony with his, even as his Most Holy Mother did when she said: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to thy word.” (Immaculate Conception & The Holy Spirit, p.48, quote from St Maximilian Kolbe)

A handmaid is one who abandons her own right to decide for herself; she allows herself to be commanded by a superior authority; she does this willingly, of course; still, her submission hands over to the superior authority the right to control her activity. (Immaculate Conception & The Holy Spirit, p. 48)
Because you have given me your fiats to walk with me the narrow path of the Cross into your hearts to die of self and rise through Christ crucified, your hearts have become ready to receive the gift of my Immaculate Conception.
God, in His immense goodness, is now preparing you to live consumed in my Immaculate Heart through the fire of the Holy Spirit as one in Christ crucified into the embrace of the Father to know and taste, to different degrees according to each soul, the ecstasy of Divine Life lived on earth.
This grace must be nurtured through continuous prayer and silence and protected from choosing to fall into Satan’s temptations. That is why continuous prayer and silence are of the essence to live in God's Kingdom on earth.
This grace of knowing and living in the life of the Trinity will be the source for your endurance during the great persecution that must come.
  • I am struck by a verse from the Book of Wisdom that was read with Christmas in mind, which says: “While gentle silence enveloped all things, your all-powerful word leaped from heaven”. The moment of most silence, God manifested himself.

  • With his silence, Joseph confirms what Saint Augustine writes: “To the extent that the Word – that is, the Word made man - grows in us, words diminish”.

  • “The Father spoke a word, and it was his Son”, comments St John of the Cross, the Father said a word, and it was his Son - “and it always speaks in eternal silence, and in silence it must be heard by the soul”

  • How good it would be if each one of us, following the example of Saint Joseph, were able to recover this contemplative dimension of life, opened wide in silence. But we all know from experience that it is not easy: silence frightens us a little, because it asks us to delve into ourselves and to confront the part of us that is true. And many people are afraid of silence, they have to speak, and speak, and speak, or listen to radio or television… but they cannot accept silence because they are afraid. The philosopher Pascal observed that “all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber”.

  • We must learn from Joseph to cultivate silence: that space of interiority in our days in which we give the Spirit the opportunity to regenerate us, to console us, to correct us…

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