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  • Writer's picture Lourdes Pinto

Mother of Silence Icon

In a message to Love Crucified, Our Lady explains the meaning of the icon.

Words from Mary regarding the meaning of the icon, April 2022:


I am covered in the Blood of my Son; representing that His Blood is my redemption. Now I am clothed in His precious Blood representing my Heart as His living chalice filled with His Blood, His life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am one with Love crucified. As one with Christ crucified with the Holy Spirit, I am one in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. This union with God Trinity I lived on earth in silence and stillness of heart. I lived in continuous praise of God through good times and difficult times.


The green represents I am the Mother of all on earth as the Mother of God. Green represents new life on earth. (I thought of spring, all the green leaves appearing in the trees, grass, bushes…) Through me, with me, and in me I give you new life in Christ, my Son. To live in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart is to live being cleansed with the Blood of Christ, emptied of self, to also become with me, His living chalice of His most precious Blood, one with my Son crucified bringing new life to countless souls in silence and prayer.


The brilliant gold around me represents the light of God. Through me, with me, and in me, as you live the Simple Path to Union with God Trinity, you become the light of God on earth.


In this icon, is contained the entire path to union with God.


The blue semicircle represents heaven. Mary is the gate that brings us into Jesus crucified to heaven. She as mother, one with the Holy Spirit, forms us as God’s Saints, the new Adams and new Eves.



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