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Soledad (Solitude)

Writer:  Lourdes Pinto Lourdes Pinto

Encounter with the solitude of Mary

Soledad song lyrics

La SoledadMaria Hickein


MOC cenacle, 1/4/23


“La Soledad”

The Lord seems to be teaching me more about” la Soledad” as I contemplate Him in the Eucharist. I understand Jesus’ life in the Eucharist as a continuation, a continuous now, of His sacrifice of love on the Cross. He has remained fully present in the Eucharist so that His sacrifice of love is always present in each moment. Jesus was obedient to the Cross. He chose TO REMAIN, in silence, in “la Soledad,” in total pain and anguish, nailed to the Cross. He is God, All-Powerful, All-Mighty; He could have come off the Cross if He had willed it. He didn’t, because He chose to love us with all His passion -- to lay down His life for us VOLUNTARILY so that we could become a new creation in the image and likeness of God and live for all eternity in the embrace of the perfect love of the Most Holy Trinity.


Mary is ONE HEART with Jesus. Through Jesus’ sacrifice of love and Mary’s perfect union with His sacrifice of love, the Two Hearts become ONE – Suffer all with Me no longer two but one in My sacrifice of love. Therefore, Mary enters “la Soledad” after Jesus’ Ascension. She is a “living Host” – One with The Living Host; thus, Mary also lives “la Soledad” in perfect union with her Son/Spouse’s Soledad in the Eucharist. Blessed Conchita explains “la Soledad” as a fruit of the mystical incarnation.


“She recognized in this privileged mystery (the Presentation) the fundamental attitude of the mystical incarnation and of the offering of love, the quintessence of the teachings of the Cross: the oblation of the Word to His Father and the total offering of self out of love in union with Christ, but through Mary's hands.” (Our Lady of Solitude, Mother of the Church, p.11)


“La Soledad” is a state of a soul who chooses TO REMAIN united to Jesus’ agony for souls, as His companion of love, solely for Love.

Mary, with the Holy Spirit, wishes to bring each of us into this perfect union with Jesus; that is why she presented us with two roses (pilgrimage to Mexico 2016)– the red (martyrdom) and the white (purity). As we grow in pure suffering, we grow in pure love. Through pure suffering as one with Christ, we are transformed into Christ – into Love. That is why Mary brought the two roses together and made them ONE. They also represent Jesus’ red martyrdom and Mary’s white martyrdom as ONE.



The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth.

My sorrows lived in My human heart reveal the love of God. My sorrows and My love are one. As I purify your emotions in Me, I am drawing you into the depth of My Sacred Heart to live as one in My sorrows. The union of sorrows is the perfect union of love with God on earth. The sorrows you live are My sorrows for souls. This union of love is where I'm bringing each of you, for it is the perfect union of love and, therefore, the perfect prayer to aid in the redemption of countless souls. Remain in My sorrows as one with Mary, My Mother of Sorrows, to obtain many graces for souls during these decisive times. Enter the silence of this most perfect union, which is the fruit of living the second nail of crucifixion with Me. I seal your mind, body, and soul with My kiss of love and gratitude. Go in peace.


“The measure of sorrow is that of love, the measure of love is that of grace, and Mary was full of grace, of love, and of sorrow.” (Bl. Conchita, Our Lady of Solitude, Mother of the Church, p.9)




The most perfect union with the God-Man, Jesus Christ, is found in Mary's solitude. It is an interior state of perfect love–– the union of sorrows with Christ. It is a state of union with Christ that all victim souls are invited to enter, but each one must voluntarily choose to say “yes.”


As Mary teaches us, this state of union can only be lived in prayer and silence. This state of union is a continuous interior work of love. Living in Mary's solitude solely for love of God, to bring Him the greatest glory, and for love of mankind, is the most fecund state to bless humanity with the greatest amount of graces.

Choosing to remain in Mary's solitude cloistered in her Immaculate Heart completes the transformation of the soul in the image and likeness of God. The soul, through the Cross, one with The Crucified, is elevated to heaven to live for all eternity in the bosom of ABBA. This state of union completes the Apostolate of the Cross on earth, and these souls become the power of God to aid in the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation.



The Solitude of My Mother is the supreme union of love

The Solitude of My Mother is the supreme union of love. That is why, through the power of the Holy Spirit, she is the Mother of mankind, for we are one. La Soledad is the deepest and most perfect union with the sorrows of My Sacred Heart. In this union of pain and love comes forth new life.


This is the climax of the Simple Path, the perfection in Love. Suffering all with Christ brings forth our purification and, eventually, through perseverance, to the perfection of Love–– the union of sorrows with Christ. The souls who say yes to participate in Jesus’ Cross allow the Spirit to consume them through a long process of purification, and enter Mary's solitude, become God's Saints for these end times to battle the forces of evil, and usher in the new dawn for humanity.



Soledad, part II


The’Old Testament reveals that the coming of the Messiah would bring us into the purification by fire:


…he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears?

For he is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap; he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, till they present right offerings to the Lord.  Malachi 3:1-3



Perseverance through the purification of our emotions through the 2nd nail of crucifixion takes us to the summit of union.



Fruit of the 2nd Nail of Crucifixion

My little one, living in total abandonment and peace in the desolation, elevates the soul out of her ego into the ecstasy of Divine Love. Initially, a continuous struggle with self takes place in the soul. Learning to give Me your emotions, and live detached from them, allowing them to serve My purpose, is difficult for every person. Yet, perseverance in this practice for love of Me brings forth the death of self. Persevere, My little one, abandoned in your solitude and sorrows in peace and stillness gazing at Me, your Love crucified.

 (see #69, p.210, desolation)


Mary is our teacher who comes to help us through this long process of purification. She is our model as she lived sacrificing her maternal Heart to do solely the Will of the Father. Jesus explains to Blessed Conchita Mary’s perfect role as Co-Redemptrix:


“She who accepted everything with love and in the fullest submission to my Father, She did not cease to offer me to Him as a victim; me who came down from heaven to save the world, by sacrificing her Motherly Heart to the divine will of the well-loved Father.”


“Mary ever offered me up to the Father, she ever carried out the role of the priest. She ever immolated her innocent and pure heart in union with Me to bring graces down on the Church.” (Bl. Conchita, Our Lady of Solitude, Mother of the Church, p.10)


Mary came on 6/2/12 to the MOC Cenacle to teach us how to live daily our fiats as God’s little victim souls. Read this experience found in the book, God’s Hidden Victim Souls, His Army for the Great Battle that has Begun, page 138.



These piercings are necessary for the deliverance of many of my priests.

I have chosen you to be My sword of righteousness. It is you that must hold and wield the sword of the mission given to you. You must suffer the piercings and solitude as one heart with Me and Mary. This is required of the souls chosen by God to receive the sword of His righteousness. Live, as one with Me, the piercings you must endure for the fulfillment of our mission. I am with you, and it is I who will give you the grace to endure and continue to give yourself in Divine Love. My daughter, the time of the great persecution is near; these piercings you are receiving are necessary for the deliverance of many of my priests. Your hidden martyrdom of heart lived in Mary's solitude will accomplish your mission on earth. Persevere, My little one, solely for love of Me and souls.



Persevere till the end, and you will witness the heavenly Jerusalem established on earth

My precious one, you will be sent out to speak the truth of My Kingdom that is being established on earth, and you will speak the truth of Satan’s Kingdom of destruction, yet few will listen, few will follow you. Be prepared for a difficult walk through the strenuous path of My passion. You will experience My solitude, exhaustion, interior struggles, the fury of Satan and his principalities, betrayal by My Church, and in the end, martyrdom with Me, your Beloved. Know, My little one, that you are not alone; I am with you and the few that will remain faithful walking My narrow path with you. Persevere till the end, and you will witness the heavenly Jerusalem established on earth for the glory of God, and you will rejoice at My right side with the 144,000 who endured, for love of Me, to the end. Go in peace in the perfect knowledge that I am one with you.



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