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The “Choice Fruit” of the Hidden Martyrdom of the Heart. —John 15

Writer's picture:  Lourdes Pinto Lourdes Pinto

This reflection is based on John 15 and the message Jesus gave the Love Crucified Community on 4/10/24 concerning the “choice fruit” of our victim lives. The mystery of how our lives produce an abundance of fruit.


John 15

Cenacle, 4/25/24



Jesus asked me to read John 15. Then He said:

Abba, our Father, is glorified by the fruit of your life. The angels are harvesting the fruit of your lives (LC) and presenting them to the Father. This choice fruit is the many souls who have converted their lives and turned their gaze towards Me, their God and Savior. This is the choice fruit of salvation that comes through My obedience on to the Cross. The souls that unite themselves to Me, the sacrificial Lamb, solely for love, produce as one with Me an abundance of fruit–– the fruit of conversion for the glory of God.


The fruit of My hidden victims of love is not seen by the human eye but only by God, for this fruit is produced through the hidden martyrdom of the heart, an interior work of love lived in the silence of union with God. Tell My community that the angels are gathering the fruit of your lives and placing them at the feet of our Father for His glory and yours. Rejoice, My little ones, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.




In chapter 15 of the Gospel of John, fruit symbolizes good deeds. Yet, the message the Lord gives us uncovers another kind of “fruit,” a “choice fruit,” meaning of greater excellence. Unlike the “fruit” of good deeds, which are visible to the human eye, this type of “fruit” is unseen to the human eye but only seen by God. The fruit our lives produce is twofold–– first, the transformation of each of us into Love, “the vine,” and secondly, the fruit of conversion in others.


The Lord is very clear in letting us know that the fruit of the conversion of many souls can only be accomplished through our obedience unto the Cross. He says:


The souls that unite themselves to Me, the sacrificial Lamb, solely for love, produce as one with Me an abundance of fruit–– the fruit of conversion for the glory of God.


Jesus also reveals to us that this love is victim love, for He says in John 15:10, 12, 13:


If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love (10).


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Therefore, to abide in Christ is to abide in His Love crucified, to remain with Him suffering as one with Him solely for love of Him and souls. It is this victim love that produces through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ an abundance of choice fruit for the glory of God.


When we live as one with Love crucified, we live Jesus’ words of Scripture: If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you (7). We are then asking for what Jesus is asking the Father: the conversion of sinners, salvation of souls, unity, and that all souls may come to know the truth found in Christ. This is revealed in John 17 in Jesus’ prayer for us to the Father:

Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are one (Jn. 17:11).

Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth (17:17).


Therefore, Our Father hears the cry of the poor and answers us.


He then proceeds to explain that this “choice fruit” is produced through the hidden martyrdom of the heart, which is an interior work of love lived in the silence of union with God.


Living in the cloister of Mary’s Immaculate Heart

The cloister is an analogy of a spiritual reality, just as Jesus used parables to reveal to humanity spiritual truths–– for example, the vine and the vinedresser, the parable of the sower, the Good Samaritan, etc.


The cloister of Mary's Immaculate Heart could be compared to the innermost chamber of her Heart. Many souls enter her Immaculate Heart, but few are “chosen” to enter her cloister.


The cloister represents Mary's solitude, her years of “Soledad.” The deep inner place where love embraces all human grief. The cloister is the inner place where Mary remained in Jesus’ interior crucifixion after His Ascension. It is where she lived to perfection, Jesus’s words,  abide in me and I in you (Jn 15:4).  Jesus remains in our hearts, suffering our brokenness and sin as our Victim Intercessor before the throne of our Father–– Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do (Lk 23:34). Therefore, only God’s victims of love are invited to enter Mary’s cloister to participate with her in Jesus’ agony of love, His sorrows, for fallen humanity.


Mary reveals to us the mystery of her life of solitude lived in the cloister of her Heart in the message from 3/9/23. She explains to us that her faithfulness and perseverance in remaining with her Son, living interiorly His crucifixion, prepared her heart to love all humanity as one with the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Total union with Jesus’ sacrifice of love is what expanded her maternal Heart so that she could embrace into her Maternal Heart the sins and brokenness of all the children of God. Then she speaks to us powerful words; she becomes the Maternal advocate of the Heart of ABBA.


Mary lives in the silence of her cloister in the embrace of the Father, participating in the work of redemption. She tells us that she enters the lament of our Father as Mother for each of us. Thus, she is revealing to us what it means to live in the embrace of the love of the Trinity on earth.


Into the Father’s embrace

On Ash Wednesday of this year, 2/14/24, Our Father spoke to us. He desires for us to remain in My (His) embrace in silence, in the stillness of God, to be consumed in My (His) love. He, too, reveals to us the mystery of what Jesus and Mary have taught us–– the few who respond to be a TOTAL GIFT of self to God through their fiat to be His victim souls and allow the Holy Spirit to unite them with Love crucified, united to our Mother of Sorrows, receive the grace of living and remaining in the embrace of God Trinity. The Father said:


The few who have persevered in living the Simple Path of My Son's life and passion and who are living as one heart with the Mother of Sorrows in her cloister solely for the love of My Son and the salvation of the world are now being invited to enter and remain in My Heart.


The simplicity of the Simple Path is that by suffering all with Christ in the sacrifice of His love, we will become holy—restored in God's image and likeness. All the levels of purification consist of coming to one perfect and holy desire—to desire solely the Cross for the love of God and souls.


Before Abba invited me to enter into His Heart, He said: I receive your tears of repentance for your many sins. God’s Simple Path brings us to know our misery, therefore, living in a continuous state of repentance, a profound repentance of tears.  This state of repentance and our desire to suffer all with Christ’s sacrifice of love draws us into the Father’s embrace.


When the prodigal son returns to his Father, he enters a new relationship with Him. He comes to experience and know the Father's forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, strength, support, blessing, goodness, and generosity. As he enters his Father's home and receives his Father's love through his embrace, he begins a new life of being purified and healed through his Father's love. 


This is now what Abba desires from each of us. Our last stage of purification comes through living in our Father’s embrace, in His Love.


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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
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