This teaching explains the spiritual journey through the Cross to transformation in Christ. The Simple Path to Union with God reveals how to live St. Paul's words, 'through the cross.' Without the Simple Path, 'through the cross' would be more of an intellectual concept and not a living experience.
‘Through the Cross’ –Eph 2:16
Lourdes Pinto to the Love Crucified Community
November 14, 2024
Through the Cross
Through the mystery of the Cross, death is no more;
Through the mystery of the Cross, perfect love is restored.
Through the Cross, the mask of one’s sin is uncovered;
Through the Cross, the great love of our God is discovered.
Through the Cross, we are emptied but then are soon filled;
With the life of the Spirit. Our souls are now stilled.
Through the Cross, all darkness now turns into light;
Through the Cross, in God’s plan, we find our delight.
Surrendered to Love and hidden from view,
No longer I live but now only You.
Our Father sees glimpses of Love Crucified,
Victim souls become one with the Lamb who has died.
Mercy received becomes mercy outpoured.
Boldly we fight without taking up sword.
To receive love and become love is our mission anew,
Pierced hearts wrapped as gifts of consolation to You.
Restoring humanity, resurrecting all,
New Adams and Eves, now freed from the fall.
With Mary, I thank You and humbly adore
I choose what you choose, for blessed are the poor!
—Michelle Griffith
The words, through the cross, are written by St. Paul to the Ephesians 2:15-16,
He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross.
The journey through the cross is the journey of the Simple Path to Union with God. The Simple Path to Union with God reveals the how-to of through the cross. Without the Simple Path, the words of Saint Paul, through the cross, would be more of an intellectual concept and not a daily living experience.
St. Paul to the Romans 6:5-6 and 8:15-17 and all of St. Paul’s epistles reveal the Mystery of the Cross.
Romans 6:5-6:
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin.
The Path the Lord has given us is the path to die to self. Each of us must die to the old women and men, the people we became that we are not. The false identity we wear must come off so that our true identities, only found in Jesus crucified, can be worn.
St. Paul, in Romans 8:15-17, states the words suffer with him, which are keywords to the formation God has given us through the Simple Path.
When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness[n] with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.
Only through the cross, suffering all with Christ, are we restored as sons and daughters of Abba Father, heirs as one with Jesus Christ.
The Lord said on November 17th, 2021,
My little one, you have been given the gold coin of My Simple Path to Union with Me. This is a very valuable coin because it contains the mystery of Divine Love found in and through the Cross. 11/17/21
Yeny, a MOC from Spain, wrote:
The path, our Path, is simple because God is simple, but simplicity requires of us total submission to God's will; it requires dying to ourselves; that is why simple does not mean easy. Easy would be to think that God will do everything without us, without our will.
The journey through the Cross begins with Mary. It is only with Mary that we can journey this Path. She brings us to the foot of the Cross to contemplate Love. The entire Simple Path is the journey through the Cross to become one with our beloved Jesus crucified. Our Path begins with Mary bringing us to the foot of the Cross.
The Path begins exteriorly as we kneel at the foot of the Cross, kissing His feet and begging, as the Lord taught us, for the gift of the Holy Spirit of self-knowledge. This gift is essential to enter through the Cross, for it is self-knowledge that brings us to the gold of precious repentance, and it is only through repentance that we can journey through the Cross. Therefore, as we pray for self-knowledge, the Holy Spirit begins to take us on a journey into ourselves, into our hearts, to find Christ within us. We cannot reach the Heart of Jesus crucified without entering our hearts, for the Heart of Christ is contained within us.
Through the gift of self-knowledge, the Holy Spirit helps us discover our wounds. The Holy Spirit unites our wounds with His wounds, moving us from being self-centered to becoming Christ-centered. Unity is constantly taking place through the Cross. Many healing programs deal with healing wounds, but what is unique to how the Lord has formed us is that our wounds must touch and be united to His wounds. Only in this way are our wounds transformed in His wounds.
This journey then brings us into the pierced side of Jesus, where He teaches us how to suffer with Him in our ordinary hidden lives. In this passage, which is inside of us, the Lord begins to reveal to us His Eucharistic life. The Lord unites our hidden ordinary life with His hidden Eucharistic life through the Cross. He begins to teach us to love as He loves in the Eucharist.
In the message from July 5th, 2012, the Lord says to us,
Learn about the hidden life by contemplating My Eucharistic life... I give Myself fully to the good and the bad, to the deserving and the undeserving, to those that love Me, and to those that persecute Me. I continue to love those that do not love Me. I continue to love those that use Me. I continue to love the unfaithful. I continue to love those indifferent to My love. I am left alone in the Tabernacles of the world with few that come to be with Me, to adore Me, and to give Me thanks. I cry, but My tears are hidden. I intercede continuously before the throne of our Father for all. My hidden life in the Eucharist is seen by Abba and blessed by Him, Who sees all.
That is the Lord's hidden life in the Eucharist. In the second part of this message, the Lord speaks about our ordinary, hidden life. He says,
Your ordinary and hidden life through the Cross becomes united to My Eucharistic life. Your hidden life takes on the same power as My hidden life because we are no longer two but ONE. These are My living hosts. In this union of love, you enter and live in the realm of God. Through Me, with Me, and in Me, your most ordinary life is the power of God. 7/5/12
The perfect example of entering into the pierced side of Jesus was Dreimi’s prayer of the rosary tonight. She is suffering through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, the pain of the disorders, the darkness, the sin that's taking place in her family. She has been receiving into her heart, in the most hidden way, the brokenness of her family and uniting her anguish and her tears to those of Jesus, placing them in the chalice at every Mass in the Blood of Christ and asking Abba to pour that union of Blood and tears upon her parents and family, bringing new life. That is living through the Cross. That is living and participating in Jesus's Eucharistic life.
Father Jordi wrote concerning St Paul’s words through the cross:
St. Paul teaches how to reconcile with God and men to become one body in Christ. It can only occur through a love that embraces the Cross, a love that enables us to suffer as we struggle to die to self.
I cannot wait for peace to come when the other changes. I cannot change others; I must allow God to change me, freeing me from all that causes hostility as well as my ways of reacting to the hostility of others. Only then can I love unconditionally instead of reacting or separating myself from what hurts me. Ending hostility begins by ending the hostility within me. Peace is the fruit of the inner violence against self, the sword that Christ came to bring (cf. Mt 10:34) so that I may die and Christ can love through me.
Father Jordi’s words, “I cannot change others,” are powerful. Jesus teaches us that only through the Cross can we allow God to change us, to make us a new creation. Then, we hope that our transformation, which is God becoming more and more alive in us, touches the hearts of others.
This journey through the Cross into the deepest recesses of our hearts is always connected to relationships. Our greatest struggle with ourselves is in our relationships with others. The Lord taught us to reflect on the most difficult people for us to love. He asked us, “Why is that person so difficult for you to love?” The Lord didn't focus on what's wrong with the other people we cannot love. The Lord said, “Look inside of yourselves. Your incapacity of loving the most difficult person in your life reveals your brokenness, where your darkness is, where your sin is.”
Perseverance in the recesses of our hearts through the Cross draws us into the Sacred Heart. In His Sacred Heart, we continue to live the interior work. This is why silence is essential and why very few people live this path through the Cross. Only through silence can the Holy Spirit take us interiorly on this journey.
In the Sacred Heart, lived interiorly within us, begin the nails of crucifixion.
With the first nail, the circumcision of our hearts begins. We must die; we must crucify our desires, expectations, plans, and goals—even our good desires, expectations, wonderful plans, and goals. They have to be crucified. That is what ‘through the cross’ means. How difficult that process is, that journey of dying.
Then, the Lord takes us to the second nail, the purification of our emotions. Through the Cross, we must learn to discipline and control our emotions. We must be attentive to all our emotions deep within our hearts: resentments, jealousies, anger, frustration, disappointments, sorrows, and so on. Our emotions must be lived with Christ, integrated in Jesus crucified, to draw us deeper into the most powerful and pure emotion in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, His pure sorrows. The Heart of Jesus is all sorrow and all love.
Here, in the second nail, He begins to purify our sorrows through the Cross, to enter His sorrows so that we can accompany Him in His sorrow and participate in His sorrow. Now, we begin the work of co-redeemers with Mary.
Then He brings us to the third nail of crucifixion–– persecution, perfect humility, perfect poverty.
We now follow the naked Christ in nakedness, in our misery. Now, as we are fully crucified with Christ, we can love with divine love, the flame of Love within us, which makes us capable of loving our enemies. We begin to love those that hurt us, those that persecute us.
This is the formation of the martyrs of the end times, the saints of the end times. Mary lives this crucifixion entirely through the Cross. Mary tells us on March 9th, 2023,
After the third nail of crucifixion, when my Heart was fully crucified with my Son and pierced with the lance, I was then ready to love all humanity as one with the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As I became totally one with my Son’s sacrifice of love, I could embrace into my Maternal Heart the sins and brokenness of all the children of God.
Imagine that my family, Mary, through the Cross, through her interior crucifixion with Christ, can receive all our brokenness. It is so hard for us to receive the brokenness of just a few people. Mary receives with her Son the brokenness of all of humanity. She goes on to say:
I became the Maternal advocate of the Heart of ABBA. Through my Son, with my Son, and fully immersed in the Sacred Heart of my Son, I was able to enter the lament of our Father as Mother for each of you. 3/9/23
Mary begins to draw us to the end of the Simple Path, into the Heart of Abba Father, to begin to live in Abba through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ.
Michelle Griffith's message sums up this teaching beautifully:
Through the Mystery of the Cross, we receive the knowledge of Divine Love. To love is to will the good of the other. What is the greatest good? God Himself! As I allow the Holy Spirit to pierce through my pride, control, stubbornness, plans, and self, I discover the Mystery of Divine Love: God Himself in the innermost recesses of my soul. As I suffer all with Jesus, I begin to believe wholeheartedly that God always wills my good and that truly all things work together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28). I stop fighting Him, stop rebelling, stop controlling, and simply start receiving this Divine Love. I begin to understand that He has a perfect plan for my life and it manifests itself in whatever life throws my way. His ways are far above our ways. He is loving me in every instant, through every detail of my life.
St. John of the Cross tells us that love is always giving and always receiving. As I come to know God more and more, I also desire to love Him in return. But, as we said, to love is to will the good of the other. But God Himself is our greatest good. So, how can I give God to God? As we read in the message of 2/10/23, perfect love is lived in obedience to the will of God. Only through the Cross will humanity be restored in perfect love. Through the Cross, I unite my hidden sorrows of heart to Jesus’s Hidden Life in the Eucharist, solely for love of God and His will, and I become united to Divine Love. In this way, as one heart with Jesus, I am able to offer God to God, through the Holy Spirit. I am able to love Him with His perfect love. The perfect love casts out fear.
The mystery of the Cross is a mystery because when we surrender our lives to God, I don’t know how the story of my life is going to play out, but I tell God, “You are a mystery. I have always loved a good mystery!” I choose to trust wholeheartedly in His plans for my life and in His way of defeating death through the Cross, not just for my sake but for countless other souls. When I cooperate with His plan of defeating death through the daily hidden martyrdom of the heart, in the power of the Holy Spirit, I help satisfy His thirst for love, soothe His Sacred Heart, and console the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Today’s diary entry from St. Faustina expressed this well, “know my daughter, that your silent day-to-day martyrdom in complete submission to My will ushers many souls into heaven. And when it seems to you that your suffering exceeds your strength, contemplate my wounds, and you will rise above human scorn and judgment.”
I want to end by encouraging you to ponder the message to the Missionaries of the Cross on October 31, 2024. The Lord tells them they're called to be “contemplatives of the Cross.” This is also true for the Mothers of the Cross. He says, “The Cross is the school of love.”
We need to become experts, scholars, my community, of the school of love, of the journey through the Cross, by becoming one with the Crucified. Not intellectual scholars of many books, but the scholars of the heart, the scholars who have journeyed through the Cross, who know this journey through sweat, blood, and tears. Not through elaborate words written on a page, but the scholars who have cried tears of repentance as God has brought to the light our sins; scholars who have come to know intimately and personally the Heart of Jesus Christ; scholars who have cried the crucifixion of our self-love and self-will. These are the scholars that God needs for the Church for these end times. We, the Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross, are called to be the contemplatives of the Cross, the scholars of the Heart of Christ, the scholars that come to know through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ through this deep interior journey, the Heart of Abba Father; the scholars that usher in the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Reign of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharistic Reign for the Church and the world. Amen.
Message to the MC
The great battle between the forces of good and evil is being waged. As you know, My Cross has already triumphed, but I need My Missionaries of the Cross and Mothers of the Cross to enter this battle as one with Me to bring to fulfillment, through My Body the Church, My triumph. Souls are in great danger of perdition as in any war. I have formed with My Mother My warriors for these times to fight this decisive battle as one with Me, Love crucified, for the forces of Satan are left powerless against My victim souls. These are the souls he fears and despises the most, for he knows that they have the power from On High to destroy him and cast all evil spirits into the pit of hell.
Tell My Missionaries of the Cross that I need them to battle with Me as they begin to live every moment of their lives suffering with Me and trusting wholeheartedly in the way I defeated death—through the Cross. They can never battle according to the ways of the world, through anger, resentments, fear, and worldly power, but only through the poverty of My love crucified. They must become men of deep silence and prayer, contemplatives of the Cross—the school of Love. Tell them to take their eyes away from the things of the world and learn to keep their gaze on Me. Tell them to pray to Saint Joseph daily, for he has been assigned by the Father to aid in the formation of God's Missionaries of the Cross. Tell them I love them and thank them for responding to My call. The salvation of countless souls depends on their response to My Words.
Go in peace knowing God is with you(plural), obtaining all you need to be holy as I am holy.