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My Companion in this time of suffering

I desire for you to be My companion in this time of great suffering; to remain with Me… To collect My tears shed for all of humanity. You have been chosen to be ONE with Me, My consolation during these end times. This is your identity as a Mother of the Cross. 

I asked Jesus how to live as His companion of love. It is easy when I am in prayer and He allows me to feel His presence and see His gaze, but during the day there are so many distractions.

Be attentive to each person you encounter in your life. I live in them. I suffer for them and with them. “This is My Body” (Mt 35:31-41). My little one, have the docility of heart to receive the brokenness of all people into your heart as ONE with Me. This is participation in the love of the Trinity: to receive the wounds of your brothers and sisters and to give the sacrifice of your life, as ONE with Me, for their salvation and sanctification. This is Love. —2/18/13, Simple Path #84, p.236.

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Love Crucified

Catholic Community
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