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Hidden Martyrs united to Mary

You, My little ones, are the consolation of My suffering Heart because you each have united yourselves to Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of all. As I gaze at each of you I see her beauty radiating from you… I need you, My faithful ones, to bring life to My Missionaries of the Cross. It is My hidden martyrs of love in perfect union with the Queen of Martyrs that will raise up My Apostles of Light. Know that I have taken My abode in each of your hearts, therefore, radiate the humility and purity of My Mother. Do not grow weary in your hidden life of suffering all with Me, for you are My holy remnant that God the Father will use to purify My Church and pierce the darkness penetrating Her. Therefore, go forth My daughters as My holy warriors with Mary to seize the dragon and cast him into hell. I bless you with My precious Blood and seal you with the power of My Cross. —4/1/11, Simple Path #141 p. 385.

My little one, know that I am pleased with you because you have responded to the cry of My voice. My little one, this is a time of an outpouring of grace for My little mustard seed. You are each being given the grace to be transformed into My living hosts to bless, release from bondage and set free countless souls. See yourselves as My warriors riding out into the horizon. This holy fleet is the Light of God’s love that has the power to cast into hell the spirits of darkness that are now covering the earth. My triumph will be a great triumph accomplished through the most hidden force of God – the hidden martyrdom of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Respond by suffering all with Me in My sacrifice of love. Respond with courage and zeal believing that God has chosen you to participate in the triumph of My crucified love to save the world. Believe, that as My warriors – the hidden anawims of God – you have mounted your horses and have begun to fight the great battle for the salvation of the world. Remain steadfast in living daily what I have taught you. Do not be afraid, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is close at hand. Usher in the triumph of our Two Hearts. Trust in the words I speak in your heart and share them with perfect faith and hope in the God who loves you. Go in peace. —8/6/17.

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